Motherhood ,a big responsibility

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Good day hivers!!!
    How's everyone here?I hope you are all doing great today.Be safe where ever corner in the world you are right now.

    I said to my self before that before I got married or having a kids I need to be prepare physically and mentally.I was thinking what would be my perfect age to be a mother.I know how hard and how big the responsibility of being a mother.

    Many mother struggling especially those who became a mother at the young age.

    When I was turned 24years old I said to my self that I am ready but so I got pregnant at 24 and give birth at 25.
    Though it was an unplanned pregnancy coz where not yet married but I told my self that I am ready for this.

    Anyway ,I got this topic because of some videos ,a reaction videos in a viral case of a mother and her daughter.An 11 months old baby girl died because of having an irresponsible mother.
    Her mom left her alone for 10days,imagine how long that time it is.How long the time that baby was alone.I can't imagine the pain ,the slowly torture of that baby .

    That woman left her daughter alone as she choose to have a vacation,I don't know what I call her,even an animals can't leave their babies but this woman was able to travel and enjoy her vacation while her baby was alone in their house.
    Such an irresponsible person.
    When she got home from vacation ,her baby was already dead.

    I did'nt even finish watching that videos and I keep asking why a mother like her can did that bad thing to her daughter.

    I compare my self to her actually coz I can't dare to leave my kids alone .Even if I just went outside our house for hanging my laundry I ask someone,our family member to watch my baby for a while.

    And if ever I went somewhere I bring my baby with me and if I can't bring them I make sure that someone will watching them.
    Even now that my kids are already 7 and 4 years old I can't take leaving them alone in the house.

    I can't imagine how bad that woman who leave her baby alon ,I will not call her a mother anyway coz she is not deserve to have that title as a mother ,such an irresponsible person.

    In making a decision in life ,especially when planning to have a baby or family ,we should make sure that we are ready for it.We should be prepare ourselves and get ready for the life we choose.
    Even if you become a mother ,you can still have your "me time"but be sure that no one will be harm.

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