So much more than flesh and bones (#TTT)

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Well, it's a nice enough day with hellish wind (preferable to yesterday's scorching heat, though), and I'm wishing I was on the road. There's just something about spring that makes me miss traveling. So that's a bit on my mind as I round up this week's three tunes for @ablaze's Three Tune Tuesday.

    Music helps.

    And hinders.

    Music does this extremely powerful thing of taking you back. Almost visceral. Blow to the throat. No argument, and no option to appeal. Or is there? Whenever you're not going forward, you're going back. That's not me talking. It's Carl Jung. Or something.

    Beth's one of the artists I haven't seen live, but would love to. She seems like a delightful performer and storyteller. Oh well, she regularly comes to a blues festival here in Romania, so hopefully I'll find my way up there one of these days. This song, I liked from the second I first heard it. Sometimes, you see a film or hear a song that captures the way you didn't know you were feeling, and that was what happened with this song, sort of.

    She's much more than flesh and bones
    So tell the heart she's coming home
    Tell it now before it’s all too late

    The reason I like Beth is that you can feel the messing up on her is real. That she's so genuine about it. Has this gift of making you feel like good things are coming. And I don't know about you, but that doesn't happen with everyone for me.

    I'm not sure what Little Wing's supposed to be about, but it feels kinda sad and hopeful at the same time, and there's something that resonates with me in that. Besides, do you really need a reason to be listening to Jimi Hendrix?

    Finally, there's an entire trove of treasures I discover randomly through Spotify playlists and mixes. This is one of those songs that keeps cropping up in various playlists working in the background of my day, but I only recently actually found out what it is.

    Taking it slow

    Is something I have trouble with. I tend to want things all at once. At the drop of a hat. Seems like I should buy a damn hat, huh?

    So I listen to this song and remind myself that that's how you get overwhelmed, and that slowness too has its value. So yeah, I guess that's where we're at. Not much of a talker today. More of a listener. Thankfully, there's good music.


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