Wednesday Walk. Barefoot angel from Lubashinsky Garden

in voilk •  5 months ago


    A bronze barefoot angel took its place on one of the benches in Lyubashinsky Garden in 2019. Then a large-scale reconstruction of the garden was carried out, a new musical fountain with multicolored illumination was built instead of the old inactive fountain, the garden itself was also planned anew. All these transformations took place unnoticed by me - I live in another district of the city, and the reconstruction of one of the remote public gardens did not seem to me a unique event. But after a while I started to see pictures of the new fountain in social networks, and one day I saw a very cute barefoot angel sitting on a bench in one of these pictures.



    I was going to visit this garden one day in the summer to see both the new fountain and the angel sculpture. But it so happened that I was not far from this place in winter - and I decided to take the opportunity to take a walk around the garden. The angel's bench is located inside a round gazebo in the center of the fountain, with bridges spanning over the water leading to the gazebo. The fountain only works in summer, in winter it is completely hidden under the snow, but in some pictures you can guess the outline of the fountain bowl borders.



    I didn't know where I should look for an angel in this garden. The weather was overcast, sometimes it started to snow and visibility was not very good. From afar, the outlines of the gazebo blended into the background, and for a while I just wandered along the paths of the garden, not knowing which direction to take. Gradually I began to distinguish the gray columns of the rotunda and its dome of openwork wrought iron branches with leaves from the landscape.



    The author of the barefoot angel sculpture is St. Petersburg sculptor Roman Shustrov. There are now three angels in the city made by this author. The most famous of them is the angel in Izmailovsky Garden, I told you about it some time ago. The angel in Lubashinsky Garden was the second angel that was installed in our city.



    The third angel took its place on the bank of the Karpovka River in 2021, after the author's death. The third angel became a monument to the medics who died during the coronavirus epidemic. And at the same time it became a monument to the sculptor himself, who died of covid-19 in May 2020.




    Despite the bad weather, quite a few locals were walking in Lubashinsky Garden that day. I even met a group of runners - although it seems that skis would have been more appropriate. After walking around the garden, I walked around the surrounding neighborhood some more. It's a neighborhood of new construction, but some old houses add variety to the architectural landscape. A two-story house with white columns houses a movie theater called Filmofond. At the end of the walk, I reached the commuter rail station to return to the city center by train. Next to the station, I found a wooden station house. It is an ordinary building, not decorated with rich carvings or other architectural delights, but wooden houses themselves are a rarity in the city and I took a few pictures as a souvenir.





    SmartphoneGoogle Pixel 3a
    LocationSaint Petersburg, Russia

    This is my entry for the #WednesdayWalk challenge by @tattoodjay.

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