in voilk •  3 months ago

    One of the most interesting field of study on earth is the sciences. Science as a field has advanced and progressed on all sides over time. The field of science is a large fiedl which can majorly be grouped into four; the physical sciences, the biological sciences, the human science and the social science. Scientific applications is what brought about technological innovation and advancements.

    One thing that science is known for is experimentation by putting forward hypothesis which arises from careful observations over time and found worthy of been looked into after observing a consistent pattern. There are many breakthroughs through scientific research and i will like to shed light on three of such from a health perspective (human science). These three breakthrough researchs are on:
    • Antimalarial vaccination
    • Cancer treatment
    • Hybridization


    Malaria is a major disease in Africa aswell as in some other countries of the world leading to the death of many every year globally most especially children under age of 5years and pregnant women. Due to the complexity involved in the malarial research based on the mosquito life cycle and the disease transmission, a breakthrough occured with the antimalarial vaccination which is now in some countries though recent and will be made accessible to all once it is finalised.

    Also, in the management of cancer, some breakthroughs were recorded in drug discovery, bone marrow transplant etc which helps in leukemia management. The use of radiations and chemotherapeutic agents are all scientific invention.
    In addition, we now have hybrid plants and crossbreed animals which are an improvement over the former with better qualities, all these are commendable. E.g. We now have hybrid palm trees, coconut trees, cocoa trees of short height, short maturity time as compared to the former.

    In addition, through scientific research, we have been able to explore and harness some of the natural resources we have on earth in different countries of the world and how to convert them to useful productive forms. For example, crude oil through scientific inventions has been able to be refined to useful proucts like PMS, gasoline, liquified gas and all.


    However, there are some inexplicable parts of life which may not be understood or proven by research or by science but this scientist didn't subscribe to. For example, the creation story of man been described to have come from apes and all still remains a contension which i believe to me is one of the extremities of science. Also, the invention and use of biological weapons like release of deadly cultured organisms in fighting wars is also an extremity because of its deadly effects. Another scientific extremities i think of is that of butt/breast enlargement using powerful substances which are harmful to the body especially in medical/human science.

    One area where i feel it needs more scientific impart is in the area of global warming and its effect. There are now more heat waves and many activities are done which enhances global warming and science needs to come in and do major interventions here by making discoveries and researches where we will be less dependent on fossil fuels but harnessing other energy sources like solar energy. Also, the biomass which is another source of energy could be researched into and harnessed as typified in some countries. Thank you for reading, comments are welcomed.

    This is my entry to @Hivelearners weekly featured contents, week 111 Edition 02

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