A More Gentle Flow

in voilk •  2 months ago


    These days, I feel stiff and I don't like it, one bit. But, rest is what my back needs, so I am trying to be good and give it that. It's the lest that I can do. But I am missing, being able to move freely. To climb and jump. Today, I very carefully got onto the trampoline, to have a little bounce, just a little. Until my back protested and I stopped. Then I lay down on the trampoline and stretched my arms and neck. It felt so good.

    I am moving more consciously, being careful not to do too much, when inside, all I really want, is to be able to run or skip. To put on some music and dance freely. It's hard for me to listen to some pieces of music and not move, because the music itself is so moving. It's the most natural thing for me to do, to move with it, to become a part of it.


    So I have discovering new ways to dance, to move, more slow and more gentle. A more gentle flow. Listening more, to artists like Federico Albanese ( whose music I have shared below). A wonderful Italian composer and pianist. I find his music so beautiful, so touching and moving. It calls on me to be more gentle, to move more gently, as I open myself up, to the beautiful compositions that he creates. To find a new way to flow.

    A flow, that is soft and gentle. That calls on me, to breathe more deeply, taking the time to connect with my breath.


    Tomorrow I have to work, it's not for long, just two hours, but I need to do it. It will probably take me a little longer than two hours, as I need to work slower, but I'll get it done. I have had to cancel a few of my jobs, because of my back. The ones that are very physical. Tomorrow I'm cleaning, which should be okay, as long as I move slowly. If I don't work, I don't make money and I am the sole provider for my girls, so not working is not an option, not for more than a few days anyway.

    So I am planning on strengthening my body. I have never really been one for doing yoga or anything like that, but I can see that as I get older I really do need, to respect my body more. To build up my core muscles. I love the whole animal flow movement, I think that is what it is called. It basically mimics the movements of animals, so that we can engage all of our muscles.


    I really fancy the idea of me moving with the agility and stealth of a tiger. Or rolling about like a monkey, bringing fun into my movements. Not all the time of course, but wouldn't it be fun, to just move about like that sometimes, as you are making your way through your day.

    All photos used in my post are mine.

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