"Casal do Meio" Trail🚩🧭 / Sendero "Casal do Meio"πŸŒ„(En-Es)

in voilk β€’Β  5 months ago
    Welcome to the Casal do Meio trail! Today I bring a little adventure and I share an extraordinary experience with my friend @quiubi, among beautiful landscapes and paths in the middle of nature, this trail has everything to live a unique experience among friends! Although it is not very demanding, it is a nice way to get to know the other side of Portugal, one where the Mediterranean forest allows you to take one of the best photos in the country! Join me in the experience!🚩🌍🍍

    Bienvenidos al sendero Casal do Meio! hoy traigo una pequeΓ±a aventura y es que comparto una extraordinaria experiencia con mi amiga @quiubi, entre hermosos paisajes y caminos en medio de la naturaleza este sendero tiene todo para vivir una experiencia unica entre amigos! aunque no es muy exigente es una bonita forma de conocer la otra cara de Portugal, una donde el bosque mediterranico te permite tomar una de las mejores fotos dentro del pais! acompaΓ±ame en la experiencia!πŸ§­πŸš™πŸš΅β€β™‚οΈ

    Where does the adventure begin?🧭🌍/Donde comienza la aventura?🍍🚩

    This is the post that tells us where the trail begins! It presents the typical red and yellow colors that are characteristic of all the trails within the "da Arrabida" mountain range which has too many to explore! If you want to do this experience then I leave you here the coordinates: (38.463751, -9.030447) they are not exact but that is the area where you can start the trail! You can do it in the opposite direction or starting from the sign that is 400 meters from the main road!πŸπŸ§­πŸš™
    Este es el posta que nos indica donde comienza el sendero! presenta los tipicos colores rojo y amarillo que son caracteristicos de todos los senderos dentro de la sierra "da arrabida" la cual tiene demasiados para explorar! si quieres realizar esta experiencia entonces te dejo aqui las coordenadas: (38.463751, -9.030447) no son exactos pero esa es el area donde podras comenzar el sendero! puedes hacerlo en sentido contrario o comenzando desde la seΓ±al que esta a 400metros de la carretera principal!πŸ‚πŸŒΎπŸ„

    How demanding is it?β€‹πŸ§­πŸŒ/Que tan exigente es?🍍🚩

    The characteristics of the trail clearly depend on the season of the year, we did this one in winter which is quite a challenge due to the rain, there is no asphalt or stone path here! Since it is a protected area, there is only mud and lagoons that can make the hike difficult. For me, it is the strongest point of the rest trail. I could classify it as for beginners because it does not physically demand anything! First they are always horizontal walks without elevations, in total you walk about 2.30 hours and no more than 13km! If you don't have any experience in hiking then I don't recommend it, for those with an acceptable level of endurance it will be: "a piece of cake."πŸπŸŒ»πŸŒ„
    Las caracteristicas del sendero claramente depende de la estacion del aΓ±o, este lo hicimos en invierno lo cual es todo un reto por la lluvia, aqui no hay asfalto ni camino de piedras! como es un area protegida solo hay barro y lagunas que pueden dificultarte la caminata para mi es el punto mas fuerte del sendero de resto podria clasificarlo como para principiantes porque no exige fisicamente nada! primero siempre son caminatas horizontales sin elevaciones, en total caminas unas 2.30horas y no mas de 13km! si no tienes ninguna experiencia en senderismo entonces no te lo recomiendo, para aquellos con un nivel aceptable de resistencia sera: "pan comido".πŸš™πŸ§­


    You can't just come in your shoes and expect everything to go well! You will be walking in the Sierra do "risco" which always gives a fight to all who dare to cross it! For me the best season is summer or spring but the heat here is quite intense so you have to be prepared! The road was full of mud in many parts in addition to having to cross puddles of water!πŸ‘€πŸ§­πŸŒ

    no puedes simplemente venirte en zapatos y pretender que todo correra bien! estaras caminando en la sierra do "risco" la cual siempre da lucha a todos los que se atreven a cruzarla! para mi la mejor temporada es verano o primavera pero el calor aqui es bastante intenso asi que tienes que estar preparado! el camino estaba lleno de barro en muchas partes ademas de tener que atravesar charcos de aguas!πŸ˜²πŸš™

    Things you can seeβ€‹πŸ§­πŸŒ/Cosas que puedes ver🍍🚩

    There are some interesting things that you will find while walking, such as if you have never seen beehives in nature you will have the opportunity to get up close and see the bees at work! and don't worry that they won't bite you if you don't get too close to the hive or bother them! This mountain range has a variety of wildflowers that allow you to create a varied and interesting honey!🚩🌍
    Hay algunas cosas interesantes que te vas a encontrar mientras caminas, como por ejemplo si nunca viste colmenas en la naturaleza tendras la oportunidad de acercarte y ver las abejas trabajar! y no te preocupes que no te picaran si no te acercas mucho a la colmena o las molestas! esta sierra tiene una variedad de flores silvestres que le permiten crear una miel variada e interesante!🌻🐝🐝

    There is a part of the Trail that would say approximately one kilometer, you will pass through this camp which is open to the public and you can explore or do like us, rest to have a drink and relax since there are many kilometers to go! Here you can pay to stay in a cabin and spend a romantic night in nature, I stayed here once so I recommend it!😍😎

    Hay una parte del Sendero que diria aproximadamente un kilometro pasaras por este campamento el cual esta abierto al publico y puedes explorar o haces como nosotros descansas para tomar una bebida y relajarte ya que faltan muchos kilometros! aqui puedes pagar para hospedarte en una cabaΓ±a y pasar una noche romantica en la naturaleza, una vez me quede aqui asi que lo recomiendo!πŸŒπŸ—πŸ¦πŸ·πŸ₯˜πŸΉ

    They call these "giant kettles" which are some formations in the rocks in the shape of natural wells that are formed over millions of years due to the accumulation of water! Near here there is a small stream that fills the wells, today unfortunately they were empty! Getting here is almost impossible so I had to use my drone to photograph them!πŸš΅β€β™‚οΈπŸŒπŸš©

    Estas las llaman "marmitas de gigantes" que son algunas formaciones en las rocas en forma de pozo naturales que se forman por millones de aΓ±os debido a la acumulacion de agua! cerca de aqui hay un pequeΓ±o riachuelo que llena los pozos, hoy lamentablemente estaban vacios! llegar aqui es casi imposible por lo que tuve que usar mi drone para fotografiarlas!πŸŒπŸŒŠπŸŒ„

    Landscape🧭🌍/El paisaje🍍🚩

    After walking approximately 4km and visiting the sites that I showed you, we made a stop at an abandoned house to rest a little and see the landscape! It's interesting because behind the house there is a crypt that is thousands of years old. It's a shame that I couldn't find the way to get to it. I suppose that because of so much time among nature, the path was covered up!πŸŒπŸ„
    Despues de caminar unos 4km aproximadamente y visitar los sitios que te mostre hicimos una parada en una casa abandonada para descansar un poco y ver el paisaje! es interesante porque detras de la casa hay una cripta que tiene miles de aΓ±os es una pena que no consegui el camino para llegar hasta ella supongo que por tanto tiempo entre la naturaleza se tapo el camino!πŸš΅β€β™‚οΈπŸ˜Ž

    Last kilometers🧭🌍/Ultimos kilometros🍍🚩

    And with these last images I say goodbye and we achieved our goal of 12km and completed the entire trail, we really liked it and for Julieth and her boyfriend who are not as demanding as I am on the trails this was perfect to spend a super pleasant day with friends! We would definitely repeat it and did you like the adventure?πŸπŸŒΎπŸ‚
    Y con estas ultimas imagenes me despido y logramos nuestro objetivo de los 12km y completamos todo el sendero, gustamos mucho y para Julieth y su novio que no son tan exigentes como yo en los senderos esto fue perfecto para pasar un dia super agradable entre amigos! sin duda lo repetiriamos y tu gustastes de la aventura?πŸ§­πŸ†πŸ₯‡πŸ₯‡


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