Splinterlands Social Media Challenge! / スプリンターランズ ソーシャルメディア・チャレンジ

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!

    I have been informed that the ranked matches will be altered at Town Hall. Even the TOP Silver League players said it was a shame.
    At first I was just hearing "Oh, really?" at random, but thinking about it again, I feel it will be a terrible thing.


    Splinterlands Town Hall Summary - February 15th, 2024!

    I may be reading this wrong, so please check the original for details.
    New rules added, store changes? There seems to be some tournament changes, but I'll spare you. I'm not really interested.


    Oh, there's also this...SoulKeep has been sold to another company...I knew there had been no progress since the Pack sale. I guess a lot of people forgot about it.
    I'm hoping it will be developed properly and become a solid game, and since it says it will use Splinterlands NFT and tokens, I'm glad it will be popular.



    And the main issue is the change in ranked matches. This is the biggest problem. The following is a miscellaneous summary.


    ・Will no longer be able to choose not to advance to higher leagues
    ・Will remove card level caps in ranked battles (not ・tournaments/brawls)
    ・Will remove leaderboards except Champion
    ・Will remove league-specific SPS reward pools and make them one big reward pool for modern and wild ranked battle wins


    If we keep winning, the rate will go up and up and up, and the league will go up." I don't have enough card levels, so I'll stay in the Silver League and play." will no longer be an option.
    In addition, the reward pool will be combined into one, and the leader's board will only be in the Champion's League.
    In other words, as a matter of fact, the Bronze to Champion leagues will become one league.
    What happens as a result of this.



    And those who have been making money at the silver and gold levels with low card levels have no choice but to move up to the higher leagues. And they will be in trouble because they don't have enough card levels. Because the upper limit of card level by league will be eliminated. In other words, if you have max-level cards, you can use max-level cards even in the Bronze League.
    Wouldn't it be a nightmare to have a max level DJINN OSHANNUS at the front of the pack? Maybe I should buy a card...

    最大レベルのDJINN OSHANNUSがパックの一番前にいるなんて悪夢じゃない?カード買おうかな...。

    Here's the thing, will card purchases increase...
    Will it increase? It's pretty pricey, but if you can run that much money, you're probably already playing in the Diamond League or Champion League, right?


    I might buy cards up to Bronze or Silver League, but I don't think I would buy cards up to the level I play in Gold League and beyond. I don't think the rewards will be worth the large amount of money.
    I think you can earn money in the Diamond League and Champion League if you have the right cards and take the time to play.
    However, as I have said many times before, the amount of money you have to spend at one time is huge, and it is difficult to find the time to play. And I don't know if I will be able to recoup the money I spent.


    oil magnate.png

    Of course, if you are an oil tycoon who thinks $5,000 is a pittance, no problem. I want them to buy cards and play and make money.
    The more these people enjoy playing and the more money they spend, the more money the developers will make and the more they will develop.


    Well, I don't want to say that I don't have much money or that I'm wasting money. I want to enjoy it as a game. But buying cards up to the level of Champion League is a bit too expensive for that.



    The image below is my BATTLE URL with my referral link.
    If you are an oil tycoon, I would love to have you register through my link! Seriously!

    以下の画像は私の紹介リンク付きBATTLE URLです。


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