"Understanding Software Attacks and Threats: Safe Guarding the Digital World"

in voilk •  4 months ago

    As we introduce the information security we know that every security has its own unique threats that can destroy it. Software attacks and threats is already known since the past where software security is not that tight and not known, We have different threats in the software from virus and about the malwares it is a term that describes any malicious program or code that is harmful to the system. Malwares is not dangerous in the physical hardware or the networks equipment but it can steal, encrypt, or delete your data and can hijack your core computer functions and spy in your own computer without your permission. You can get malwares when you click sites that malicious ads, download infected files, install apps that is dangerous for your system and clicking pop up ads in sites can get your system infected. In malwares there are different types there is what we called adware it is basically a unwanted software design to throw ads on your screens commonly in web browsers. Next is spyware it where your computer is secretly observes by unauthorized person observing your activities without your permission. Next is ransomware it where hackers steals your data and essentially threating you using the data they steal this malware is the third most used cyberattack in the world where they cant access their files unless they pay the ransom where the hacker is the only one who can access in the files not even the owner of the file can access it. In the world we lived today we know that the technology in evolving we can see in our environment that the people needs people who knows technology better than them people who are advanced in the technology so that it can profit them in their business, work, or even in schools. The technology is advancing so is the people that’s why we have hackers who are so skilled enough to penetrate the system some hackers used their skills to help people but most hackers used their skills to threat people and making their lives miserable not only hackers penetrate the systems also viruses. We have 3 different known viruses we have the trojan, worm and the virus itself as we all know there is a virus outbreak in the past that have gravely impacted to the world we all know the story of the “I love you virus” damaging local machines and overwriting files. So virus it is where your computer is penetrated by an unknown and the reason why the virus can penetrate your computer is that you are clicking unknown ads, downloading files that are not safe and that are infected by viruses. Next is the worm the “I love you” virus is one example of worm sent in emails or messages after it is opened it automatically linked the users to a malicious website or it could download the worm virus to the users device automatically and it can replicate itself again and again and waste system resources, It also can steal sensitive data and makes way to the hacker to get into the users computer installing a backdoor where they can access the users system. Last is the trojans its goal is to take control of your computer and damaging it, steal file, disrupt, and inflict other harmful action on your data and network. So therefore, in this present time where technology is highly demand and upgrading we need to be careful what we are clicking because we don’t know if that file can benefit us or can it destroy our files and hack our computer.

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