The Return (2024) - A King's Quiet Homecoming - REVIEW

in voilk •  2 months ago


    Its not necessarily a dry season but there is not much to watch, people are just getting back form Xmas so I'm still picking up on some titles I had on my list for some reason or another, I recently watched Uberto Pasolini "The Return (2024)" and it was really a bit of fresh air in the world of epic Greek mythology, I had no idea what the movie was about at first because to be hones the cover looks very boring until I open its IMDB profile and watch the trailer. Set on the beautiful Greek island of Corfu, which I look up it stands for Ithaca, the movie develops the story of Homer's "The Odyssey" data-wpil-keyword-link="linked" data-wpil-monitor-id="2501">The Odyssey" down to its bare bones, following Odysseus played by no other than Ralph Fiennes, every character this man play turns into an epic performance, in the story Odysseus comes back home after twenty long years away. The movie is not your average CGI blockbuster, it’s a grounded, feels real, no bells or whistles kind of film, and its one of the things I absolutely loved about it.

    Rottentomatoes Rating

    Source After losing years in the Trojan war and more years with a exhausting journey back, finally washing up on the shores of Ithaca, Odysseus arrive home. He doesn't look anything like a king anymore, ragged, battered and he is just not what he use to, he has returned to his homeland which is now in chaos. In his absence, his wife; Penelope played by Juliette Binoche, has been holding off suitors in the belief that Odysseus is dead and she felt should not remarry. The island is in ruins, the people of Ithaca are terrorized, not only by suitors fighting for Penelope, but also terrorizing the people of Ithaca. Above I mention how the movie is about mythical story although the movie doesn't take part on the mythological elements or what others can consider the fantasy side of the story, is more about a family who was separated for over two decades because of war, comes in Odysseus who has come back and is trying to united them again.

    As for the entire cast, Fiennes and Binoche are the heart and soul of this movie, with them putting up great depth of feelings and realism of their characters makes for a solid story that will move you. Fiennes isn't just playing Odysseus, he is incarnating a soul of a man in torment because of his own past, his voice overtime, his body scars. At first or even from the cover you could tell how Odysseus almost disguise as a beggar when its not necessarily the case, having a moving reunion with his dog Argos and at times you could feel every second of the king’s regret of everything he has missed and loss. But its Binoche the strong one of this story, with her silent strength in the part of Penelope, especially when she is doing what ever she can and is necessary to slow the suitors down, is a woman under siege on all fronts, whose temper is as firm as her loyalty, waiting for the day that Odysseus comes back home.

    Source This is not an action movie by any means although have some cool scenes like when Odysseus lose control and start almost dismembering everyone in the room, all this men who were called "the suitors" who were all men who try to take over what it was his by getting married to Penelope after rumors of Odysseus been dead in war, its more drama than anything else with lots of feelings fleshing out and watching Odysseus reclaim his place can be feel like the story is dragging you but the movie builds up to this moment after everything that happen, as they describe it a land of savages because that is how the movie present the landscape, its not your glorious Greece type of movie like say 300, its more like sub develop nomads. It is a sad story as well as reflective; that tension builds and when it comes to the reveal, when finally the suitors know who he really is, it's satisfying because Odysseus in desperation to see his wife putting up a test that only he could pass, takes justice by his own hands.

    After the violent ending Odysseus finally comes up as the hero and his son Telemachus fought along with him to defeat the suitors. Odysseus finally meets up with Penelope who had tricked all of the suitors with her weaving trick, expecting them to wait to finish her weeding dress to finally decide but she was only giving more time to Odysseus, she never loose hope. The meeting isn’t full of grand proclamations of love but something quiet and intense, full of years of yearning, doubt and acceptance on both parts. In that moment, Odysseus asks Penelope if she would take him back after all he has been through and it’s not just a matter of forgiveness of his absence, but acceptance of the man he has become, a long way from the old legend he once was before going to war.

    Source The story is one that makes you think how much Odysseus had to face during all this time to come how and not going after his family first, not only the events of war but his long journey coming back home, probably loosing hope he would ever come back, same goes for Telemachus, his son, who at first felt abandoned and angry at his father who left him and his mother to their own faith, the movie express everyone psychological trauma from the island, to the people and Odysseus family.

    Its expected that this is not a movie that would break any records been the story that draggy, I felt this was a missed opportunity to make this an epic story but there was no glorious landscape like in other Greek Theme movies, with little action and almost no CGI since it was not needed could at times felt like a blog of Odysseus life rather that part of The Odyssey.

    The Return (2024) might not be the spectacle some were hoping for from an "The Odyssey" data-wpil-keyword-link="linked" data-wpil-monitor-id="2503">The Odyssey" adaptation that I think was very clear from the trailer. What it doesn’t have in epic battles with mythical creatures, it certainly makes up for in its intimate story and how characters develop during the movie. Fiennes and Binoche gave us great acting skills, but also deeply human with the movie full of a lot to take on identity, loyalty, trauma, especially PTSD. A bigger story would have given us more context but the focus was very specific to Odysseus. It’s not just about coming home, it’s about how war and time makes us and how we come to terms with that. I'm not so sure how this movie respects source material but for sure changes were done to keep it entertaining, so I'm giving this movie a solid 7 out of 10. The Return is well worth the time and a fine example of a deep profound story that can still remain entertaining.

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