Delivering The Best (2) : A Freewrite

in voilk •  4 months ago

    In a world where you have to go through and deliver the most outstanding thing that you can never think of, I mean whenever it comes to bringing out the best of yourself as to people and making sure that people see the most outstanding thing that you can perform, you have to put all your efforts inside of it. Because this thing can actually help you to project further in life.


    When I mean project further, I mean whenever people know you for this particular thing, they can call you in other places. They can see OK, come and do this, come and do that for us and so and so places and stuff like that.

    But if you can't. Do this kind of a thing. If you can't project a perfect handywork to people to see, people will not even call you for any other thing. So to be able to be remembered for good thing outside, you have to put all efforts into producing a perfect and unique product that people cannot resist. That is when people will remember you for something.

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