Advancment in medical technology

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Recent advancements in medicine and health care has actually changed a lot on how dedicate is being delivered and has improved literal every aspect of healthcare : Diagnosis , Drug manufacturing , research , and even treatment generally. These great innovations have majorly improved the precision and reach if Medicare irrespective of location.

    Medical Precision or Precision Medicine

    One of the ever present challenges in medical science and sciences generally have always been the need for precision based measurement instruments and processes. This approach in regards to medicine takes into account the unique attributes of a person's gene , life experiences and and environment there allowing health professionals to initiate treatments that are tailored to the meet the specific needs of the any patient.

    Genetic sequencing , bioinformatics and molecular diagnostics have all been made possible by precision medicine and all these has helped in identifying the growth mechanism and adaptations of germs which cause the diseases and help us to develop treatments quickly and solutions that are effective.

    Artificial Intelligence

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    Artificial intelligence indeed has revolutionalized virtually all areas of human Endavour and medicine is no exception. Machine learning algorithms have been of great help in analysing large databases of health records and generating inferences and predictions that would have taken years or even decades to reach.

    Artificial intelligence powered disease detection systems has assisted healthcare professionals in detecting early symptoms of chronic and life threatening illnesses and this has gone a long way in saving lives. On the administrative part , artificial intelligence has helped in streamlining the data management systems and detection of fake medical reports , etc.

    Smart Medicine

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    There are a lot of devices which helps to track certain metrics of patients . We now have smart watches which can keep track of users heart beat, sugar level , blood pressure , and these data can even be analysed and transmitted real-time the user and some inferences can even be reached and advice notifications sent to the user or to your health professions. All these helps in the proper management of one's health and prediction of anomalies on time.

    Internet/Health Softwares

    With the advent of the internet , reach to proper top notch health information has been greatly improved. We now have websites for health awareness , forums where people come together and discuss some of the challenges there face during certain health related phases if their lives , we now have Apps through which one can communicate with health professionals and get professional advices. All of these is irrespective of how rural your location is and degree of Medicare readily available provided there is internet coverage.


    We can see from the above points that Technology has greatly improved the way Medicare is being administered and this has helped improve the life expectancy of humans and overall quality of life of everyone , but these is not always a flat reality as those in the rural third-world countries or conflict zones still struggle greatly to get access to quality healthcare. What can we say right now ? If nothing , then at least we can say we are on the right trajectory.

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