Failure, Defeat, Destruction and Despair (FDDD)

in voilk •  4 months ago

    This Image is my owned.
    Good afternoon hiveleaeners? How is your weekend going?
    I couldn't read about #hl-w105e2 due to network problems in my country; the network is not fine yet. Once the network is restored, I will read #hl-w105e2
    Life is full of ups and downs. I wrote some time ago that failure is inevitable. As a human being, you must experience failure in one aspect of your life whether you are rich or poor. Whether you are born with a silver spoon or not. Hence, failure is part of our life as human beings.
    You do not fail when you keep on trying but the moment you give up trying, that is failure.

    Story Of My Failure and Success
    this image is owned by me
    I was very young when I got admission to university. I was the second student that got admission to university among my secondary school classmates. It was a moment of joy for me.
    Result of my secondary school was not released when I got admitted to university. I couldn't sleep like before because if I did not make my result, the admission would be forfeited.
    On that fateful day, I heard that the result had been released; I ran to Cyber Cafe to check my WAEC result. On getting there, I saw most of my classmates in the cyber cafe, checking their results.

    My best friend whom we read together was there before me; the cyber cafe was operating on the system of first come, first serve. When he checked his result, he did not make it. He got an E8 in physics and a D in chemistry. I was down because of his result.
    Well! It could rewrite the exam since he wasn't given admission then.
    I was the one that needed that result the most because I have gotten admission to the university.
    I couldn't control my emotions because everything that I wanted at that time was to pass my result.
    When it was my time to check my result, I was shaking; I told my friend to help me check the result.
    After I gave him my scratch card and Examination number; I heard, “Chris, you made your result. You made everything except Yoruba Language.
    That moment, I experienced the kind of joy when someone achieved the highest thing of his career. I checked the result by myself and it is only Yoruba I got E, the rest of the subjects, I got A, B, and C.
    Mathematics- A,
    Physics- A,
    Biology- A,
    English- C6,
    Chemistry- A,
    Economics- C5,
    Yoruba- E8,
    Agriculture Science- B

    I was very happy to show my brothers my result. After a week, the acceptance fee was paid; later my tuition fee was paid. When I was going to campus, my brothers bought me different dresses and shoes.
    Later, I was not happy because I was staying with my brother in the school because he was a 300 level student.
    He taught me how to read more, and get good results in school. I wanted to be a big boy in the school but he was given me tasks.
    The 6 years age difference is not small: I knew If I did anything wrong, he would scold me. I couldn't get another appointment even if I wanted to. I couldn't walk with all my friends because he doesn't like bad friends.
    I just have to endure it for 2 years because I could not do many things I wanted to do such as having a girlfriend. I just wanted to taste the feelings of having a girlfriend.

    After the first semester, I got 4.2 CGPA; my brother said, “Chris, you did not try at all. You need to get 4.6 above. you can even get 4.9 if you wanted to get it”.
    I listened to his advice, and I said next semester, I will try harder. I did not lack anything in the school, my brothers sent me money, dresses and food. I had a problem with cooking because I was never taught how to cook; I don't go to the kitchen. The only things I knew how to do was to wash plates. My parents never asked me to cook food. Therefore, I did not cook for my brother while I was an undergraduate.
    After the second term, the result was released again, I had 4.51 CGPA. “He told me that you don't need to play in the first year. You need to get above 4.6”.
    I was tired of him because he did not give me an opportunity to experience campus life.
    On that bloody day, I was called by my HOD (Head Of Department); he gave me a letter. The letter was to leave the school because my admission was fake. I don't even know how I got home that very day. After I read the letter, I didn't even recognize where I was.
    I heard later from my friends that they heard my hands till I reached my lodge.
    Without wasting time, my brother went to Cyber cafe and registered for another JAMB (Joint Admission Matriculation Board) because it was February 10.
    He said, “Everything will be fine. Failure is part of our lives. You must not say ‘why me?’. Don't get caught by failure, learn from failure. Thomas Edison failed 999 times to invent the electric bulb. When people asked him, he said “I have successfully found 999 ways that will not work.”
    “We’ve just got rid of a lot of rubbish. Although I am over 67 years old, I'll start all over again tomorrow- Thomas Edison.”
    “Life will always test you with failure but we can make a choice to get up and try. That man was 67 years old but yet he didn't give up.
    “This is the first time you ever failed: you fail when you give up on trying. Failure drives one to develop important qualities to achieve success. If you don't quit, you cannot lose and you will never lose. you need to learn how to fail successfully to success. If you refuse to try again, you fail and fall: that may be the end of you because you won't be able to achieve your goals.”

    After I heard him for hours that night; my mood began to change for the better.
    In April, that is after 2 months, I did another JAMB. This time around I scored higher marks than the beginning.
    I did post UTME again, and I scored very high marks. My admission this time around was merit. But the former one was a supplementary list.

    When I was not in school, my life was full of sorrow, regret and shame.

    How do I overcome my Failure
    Good people around me: This is the reason you must get good people around you when things are tough. People with a positive mindset, telling you different ways of making it. People that will not say, why did you fail? That is your luck, you deserve it, and many more.
    Never associate yourself with people of a negative mindset; they will only cause more harm to you emotionally, physically and mentally.
    Passion: if you are a businessman or businesswoman, your business needs passion. That is the only thing that can sustain your business in hard times. Passion will make you go for your business even if you don't make a profit for 2 months, passion will make you strive for success in your career.
    You don't have a sponsorship but you did not give up. You go out after school or whatever you are doing so that you can get money to pay for it.

    Confidence: remember that the past does not define you, and does not have to shape your future; failure is a journey and no one is exempted. Be confident of yourself and never look back.
    Be persistent: never ever give up. Keep going, keep trying.

    In conclusion, I'm going to conclude with two quotes;
    Samuel Beckett quotes, “Ever failed, ever tried, no matter the difficulty try again, fail again fail better.”

    “Many of life's failures are people that did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” - Thoma Edison
    Don't quit because you don't know you are in the verge of breakthrough.

    I stand up for success, and success is not achieved by merely making mouth, No room for laziness, no room for idleness. Success comes to the people who are desperately and consciously searching for it. When it seems unsuccessful or you smell failure around you, never discourage yourself from being successful.
    “Discouragement and failure are the two surest stepping stones to success.” - Dale

    Thank you for reading my post.

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