The Real Satisfaction

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Am looking back at the year trying to see steps I could have taken differently. Of course when you think long and hard enough you tend to find answers. In my case I've not even needed to look that hard. There are several lessons that just pop out from right under due to one or two mistakes that could have been prevented. Of course there are some things well beyond my control, but I probably haven't lived up well enough to my end of the bargain to effectively criticise.

    I think one of the most interesting things we can do for ourselves is introspect properly and pass blame appropriately. In doing this you notice so many scenarios that could have been modified by preventable actions. Of course when the consequences aren't necessarily immediate we don't always tend to act on time. There are a lot of actions that looking back I'd rather have more immediate consequences so I can quickly correct than those with delays.

    Another thing is that we think it is a burden to do the right things and we dread the process. It may be difficult, but I've come to realize that oftentimes true satisfaction lies in staying true to the process over the course of a number of years. It is the process that eventually changes us, and makes us better, not necessarily the results. I'm now adjusting to the reality of making long term (5 year) plans instead of immediate plans without foresight like I did in the past. Of course making plans is one thing, and following through is another, still it is interesting to see what the future may hold.

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