Tales From The Jungle

in voilk •  4 months ago

    There are so many experiences I’ve had in my childhood that I no more have memories of. For some, I am able to remember bits and pieces of the whole situation but for most part, the only memory I have is the fact I am able to remember that I embarked on this journey or something of this sort ever happened. Am I the only one who experiences this?

    a visit to the Kwame Nkruman Museum

    This brings me to the part where I confess to the fact that I can remember vividly that in primary school ,my school used to organize excursions so much and once ,we even went to the zoo. The only part that I am able to recall from our visit to the zoo was when one of my classmates brought banana to give to some chimpanzees and these ungrateful animals took the banana and ate it. After eating it all, they begun to collect their own faeces and were throwing it at us.

    As kids we thought it was funny but our teachers were screaming at the top of their voices trying to guide us to safety because they were scared something terrible was going to happen to us. Now I get why they were so worried then.😄 From what I can remember, that was my last visit to the zoo in years.

    Last December , I happened to talk an old friend and through our discussions I learnt that there were actually about two zoos operating in Accra. From what I knew, they were all closed down but I was wrong. I was so happy to hear that we still had zoos in Accra. So, one particular weekend my close friend from campus came by to visit and I managed to drag her and a few of my friends to the zoo.😄

    I had a fair idea of where we were going but I didn’t really know the exact place. Well, it was time to explore. We ordered a ride and were on our way. It was a 15 minutes ride and we arrived in no time since it was a weekend. As usual, you’re required to pay for your tickets before you are allowed to go inside. We did that and we were free to go.

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    Right at the entrance of the zoo you would come across so many people having fun. That area was set up to look more like an open space for people to relax. They had table tennis, ludo and some other games. At one end of the space was a mini restaurant and some shops to grab snacks and other stuff on your visits. The setting looked really beautiful and anyone who came there was made to feel at home.

    We didn’t really need a tour guide since we already had a special one( my friend)😂. He was mad that I requested for him as our tour guide but what are friends for. We started our tour and he was like ‘I don’t need to talk much, you guys know more than me.’😂 This statement got all of us laughing our lungs out because what kind of line was this? Anyways, I found ways and means to make him talk to us more about the zoo and the animals they had as we went around.

    First, we saw some monkeys which I thought were very stubborn. They just couldn’t stay at one place. Just hopping around in their cage and making noise. I was told that was their way of having fun. Lol.

    Then we went ahead to see some ducks peacefully sitting in their cage. They had a mini pond where they could swim and do all of the stuff ducks do, which I don’t know. I particularly loved the white spotless color of some of them.

    From there, we saw some cute rabbits. From what we were told, visitors were not allowed to feed the animals. Company policy I guess.😂

    Fast forward, we saw a bird which looks so much like a peacock. I don’t really know the name but you can have have a look at it in this picture , incase you know it’s name, do share.

    I was very particular about saying hello to the lions there so I pressured our guide to send us to see our lion brothers. Lo and behold, we arrived at the much awaited location. The lions were having their afternoon nap and I was in no mood to wait for them so I walked right into their cage and woke them up for a selfie. You can see me in chambers for the selfie.😂

    I checked the time and realized we had already spent about two hours there already. That was fast. It was getting late but we were just getting started. We moved to another part of the zoo where we saw some crocodiles, snakes,zebras and even an ostrich.

    Now, let’s talk about the ostrich. How come no one told me they looked really bigger and heavier in real life. It was literally about 3 times my height and from the way it walked I could imagine it’s weight. Whew! I was so amazed seeing a live ostrich but I learnt they can be very dangerous.

    There was so much more to see but I was really exhausted at this point so we returned back to the resting area to have some snacks and then head back. At the end of the day, I felt really happy going on such an adventure because I got to laugh so much with my friends while exploring and enjoying the beauty of life.

    This is my entry to todays #marchinleo prompt. I hope you enjoyed it.

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