Some friends are our guardian angel

in voilk •  5 months ago

    I love kind people, their selfless act triggers something in my heart that makes me have a soft spot for them.

    We have many kind people but unfortunately, some have changed because some selfish people decided to take them for granted, use them, and leave them shattered.


    I have a best friend in the year 2011, a very cheerful and generous guy and he is someone I can never forget because he played a great role in my life that same year.

    Some people are unforgettable, and some good deeds can't be forgotten, that is the case of this, my friend.

    He was there for me during my time of need, he feeds me and even defends me in times of danger.

    It is good to be Kind, even though some will use you but there are some people that your act of kindness will live on in their memories forever.

    As I was saying, I met this guy in the year 2011, It was my last year in secondary school and just a few months until WAEC, It was also a month that things were so hard, I got tired of eating garri that I started skipping food.

    Lack of food made me so thin, there was a need for laborers but I could not do the work because of my body strength but my friend was hefty and strong, Most igbo boys are like that, I tried the work once but I could not lift the head pan, he let me do the easiest task which was pouring the mixed sand and cement into the head pan but even that one was kinda hard for me, it was the first and last day I did that work and I almost got sick, he told me not to do it anymore but he did one thing that surprises me.


    Every night after he finished the labor work, he would call me so we could go and eat together, he did that for a long time, he gave me what I needed at a time I needed it... He solved my hunger problem and not for one day did he grumble about it, he was always happy to call me to join him to go and eat, sometimes we branch at Tuwo joint, he was the one who made me love Tuwo Shinkafa and some other time, it was bread and egg with tea that we eat.

    Till I finished my WAEC and left home, he was a good friend, you might think probably he was like that to only me, but no! the guy is a generous guy who likes to help people and gives freely to those he called friends.

    I visited home in the year 2012, things were not so good for him again and he was also bittered, he explained to me how people he called friends after I left were bad and they could not help him when he was in need, I had to let him know that some people are like that, they will stay with you when things are rosy and leave you when things become bad.

    I was already teaching then so I had some money and it was my turn to take us out every night to eat. We Had fun like the old days and till now he still have a big space in my heart... I never forget those who helped me in my time of trouble.

    Just call me Burl.

    I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker, and crypto enthusiast

    Discord: burlarj#8326
    Twitter id: burlarj1
    Telegram: burlarj
    God exists, I am a living testimony
    Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
    Don't wish for it, Make it happen

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