My 2nd purchase with HBD

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hola hivers hoy le vengo a compartir una pequeña historia, la historia de como hice mi segunda compra com HBD la cual espero no sea la ultima jajaja.

    Bueno les cuento la semana pasada fue Talent Land, ahi miles de personas se reunen con el objetivo de compartir conocimientos y algunas con la finalidad de promocionar sus productos.

    Una de estas personas emprendedoras tenia un pusto donde vendia una variedad de objetos entre ellos legos de pokemon.

    Hello winters, today I come to share a little story, the story of how I made my second purchase with HBD which I hope is not the last hahaha.

    Well, I tell you last week it was Talent Land, there thousands of people meet with the aim of sharing knowledge and some in order to promote their products.

    One of these enterprising people had a place where he sold a variety of objects, including pokemon legos.

    Este pusto de venta tenia la particularidad de aceptar pagos con crypto (no recuerdo cual exactamente), el buen @gr33nm4aster tuvo la idea de hablarle de hive y la muchacha con muy buena fe acepto, a lo cual @manuphotos la invito al workshop que se impartio ahi mismo y tambien le enseño personalmente como recibir los pagos.

    Sin duda una vistoria para hive y la comunidad.

    Este demustra el poder que puede tener hive y el gran futuro que nos espera.

    Despues de que fuera anunciado que iba a aceptar hbd coll metodo de pago varios de nosoteos acudimos a su tienda y compramos algunas cosas.

    Yo compre un gyrados el cual quedo muy bien una vez ya contruido.

    This sale had the particularity of accepting payments with crypto (I don't remember which one exactly), the good @gr33nm4aster had the idea of talking to him about hive and the girl with very good faith I accepted, to which @manuphotos invited her to the workshop that was taught right there and I also taught her personally how to receive the payments.

    Undoubtedly a screening for hive and the community.

    This demonstrates the power that hive can have and the great future that awaits us.

    After it was announced that he was going to accept hbd coll payment method several of us went to his store and bought some things.

    I bought a gyrados which looks very good once it has already been built.

    Les adjunto un screenshot de mi trabsferencia y espero que este post llegue a gente que todavia no se anima o ni sabe que esto es una realidad, esperemos que cada vez mas negocios se unan y empiecen a cooocer el mundo de hive, sin mas que decir les deseo una buena noche hasta luego.

    I am attaching a screenshot of my transfer and I hope that this post reaches people who are still not encouraged or do not even know that this is a reality, let's hope that more and more businesses join and begin to see the world of hive, with nothing more to say I wish you a good night, see you later.

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