Can You Handle This Rulesets Splash Damage? | Splinterlands #353

in voilk •  4 months ago

    splinterlands battle challenge.png

    This week's battle mage secrets focuses on the Explosive Weaponry Ruleset.

    Ruleset Details


    The Explosive Weaponry ruleset gives all monsters the Blast ability. If you ever played a videogame and loved it when you were doing area of effects or splash damage, this ability is splinterlands' version. However, in splinterlands, there is a unique twist as the Blast damage also triggers abilities like Magic Reflect and Return Fire and therefore requires players to think about monster line-up placement. Players should be mindful not to be only concerned about landing hits, but also focus on how to survive the blast damage. To maximize the potency of Blast damage, abilities like Snipe and Opportunity work well in this ruleset as they bypass the front-line tanks and directly target backline monsters potentially spreading damage on both sides of the backline and therefore maximizing potential damage.

    Battle -- Full Battle History


    Battle Details

    • Mana Cap: 34
    • Ruleset(s): Explosive Weaponry, Blood and Sunder, Weak Magic

    Line-up Details

    • Kelya Frendul (summoner): +1 Speed and Armor to all friendly monsters.
    • Diemonshark: high DPS damage tank with high armor, high health and melee damage.
    • Tide Biter: support melee damage and Reach ability to attack from position two and protect the backline from reflection damage.
    • Musa Saline + River Hellondale + Baakjira: support magic + team buffs + armor hexes.
    • Pelacor Bandit: Sneak support melee damage to target the backline monsters.

    Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?


    When you watch this battle, the first thing you react to is how good the Diemonshark is and in this battle, it was even more potent than usual because when it is doing melee damage and subsequently Blast damage, I didn't realise how good Trample ability is in this ruleset as well as Diemonshark was able to do overkill damage and then triggers Trample and taking out more monsters at once. But the true MVP of this battle was the Baakjira and River Hellondale. These monsters provided so many team buffs that the opposition didn't have much of a chance to inflict any sort of damage to my line-up.

    Do You Like the Explosive Weaponry Ruleset? Why or Why Not?

    Do you enjoy seeing things go BOOM! Do you want to feel like a splinterlands whale who owns the overpowered Yodin Zaku? Well then, this ruleset is for you. One of the most satisfying things in gaming is when you are playing an RPG character that does splash damage and it takes out multiple units at once. The Blast ability gives me that feeling and it's so satisfying to be able to take out multiple monsters at once. But don't be naïve and go full-on attack mode as you need to remember that the opposition gets the same benefits from the ruleset so taking this into account is crucial. Therefore, being able to survive is just as crucial.


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    Thank you for reading and hope you have a good rest of the day!

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