La princesa pobre.[esp-eng]

in voilk •  15 days ago


    La princesa pobre.

    Erase una vez una princesa sin corona, ni mucho menos heredera de algún reino, vivía en una casa normal a la cual ella misma apodaba su "palacio", sonriente permanecía sentada en un trono fabricado por precarias maderas, para ella era uno de sus tantos tesoros ya que había sido fabricado por más ni menos que su amado príncipe y esposo, aquel hombre bueno que se levantaba antes de que el sol saliera para trabajar la tierra que tanto amaba.

    La princesa sin servidumbre limpiaba su palacio de arriba a abajo, no contaba con salas ni muchas habitaciones, mucho menos cortinas de encajes las cuales sacudir, su mesa no era enorme y el comedor estaba en la misma cocina, su palacio siempre olía a deliciosa comida que ella misma preparaba ya que mucho menos contaba con un cocinero real que cocinara las delicias que a ella se le antojaran.

    Por la ventana de su palacio veía a su príncipe arar la tierra y secar su sudor, lo veía mirar al cielo con una sonrisa y presurosa tomaba un vaso y lo servía de agua fría y fresca para calmar la sed del hombre al que amaba, camina sonriente hasta llegar a su lado y con sutileza toca su hombro ofreciendo el líquido apaciguador de calores, juntos caminan de la mano de regreso al palacio ya que ha llegado la hora de comer; la princesa sirve la comida preparada con amor absoluto y expectante ve la reacción de su príncipe al probar, un aplauso eufórico de aprobación por tal manjar preparado, algo sencillo que para ellos es el más dulce de los manjares probados en cualquier reino.

    Comen y platican de sus sueños, proyectos, de su amor y la vida, entrelazan sus manos sin querer soltarse jamás y en medio de ese momento sublime la princesa sonrojada sin más le da un beso en la frente, uno cálido y lleno de gratitud, una princesa pobre y feliz con un príncipe pobre y encantador que viven en el más perfecto palacio que pudiese existir jamás.




    The poor princess.

    Once upon a time there was a princess without a crown, much less heir to any kingdom, she lived in a normal house which she herself nicknamed her "palace", smiling she sat on a throne made of precarious wood, for her it was one of her many treasures because it had been made by none other than her beloved prince and husband, that good man who got up before the sun rose to work the land she loved so much.

    The princess without servants cleaned her palace from top to bottom, she did not have rooms or many rooms, much less lace curtains to shake, her table was not huge and the dining room was in the same kitchen, her palace always smelled of delicious food that she prepared herself since she did not have a royal cook to cook the delicacies that she wanted.

    Through the window of her palace she saw her prince plowing the land and drying his sweat, she saw him looking at the sky with a smile and hurriedly took a glass and served it with cold and fresh water to quench the thirst of the man she loved, she walked smiling until she reached his side and subtly touched his shoulder offering the liquid to quench the heat, together they walked hand in hand back to the palace since it was time to eat; The princess serves the food prepared with absolute love and expectantly sees the reaction of her prince when he tastes it, a euphoric applause of approval for such a delicacy prepared, something simple that for them is the sweetest of delicacies tasted in any kingdom.

    They eat and talk about their dreams, projects, their love and life, they intertwine their hands without ever wanting to let go and in the middle of that sublime moment the princess blushes and gives him a kiss on the forehead, a warm and full of gratitude, a poor and happy princess with a poor and charming prince who live in the most perfect palace that could ever exist.


    Las imágenes usadas fueron creadas en canva y Leonardo Ai.



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