Hard Work and Multitasking for Success: Something I Learned as a Child from a Grandmother  

in voilk •  3 months ago

    The best thing that happened to me as a child that shaped my adulthood for good was the acceptance of living with my grandmother at age 8. Before I started living with grandma, I was this lazy child who wouldn't want to be disturbed by any skill or chore. I see them as punishment from my parents, and I would always dodge doing work, leaving everything for my siblings. You will mostly find me with my friends, gisting and playing local games, especially during the holidays. But things changed drastically for me when my dad pleaded with me to go live with grandma and assist her since her only two daughters (my mom and my aunt) were married, leaving her with the male children at home.
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    Grandma is a very hard-working woman. Her multitasking skill is scary sometimes, and I would be amazed by what she does at the same time. I wake up in the morning each day to see numerous chores she has done before day breaks, and I will begin to imagine if she sleeps at all. She is the type who hates laziness and also finds it difficult to rest,her resting style is just weird. Sincerely, it was so difficult for me to live with her initially. As a matter of fact, I went back to my father's house after two months of living with her. I couldn't just cope with the way she was forcing me to be hard-working. I wasn't brought up that way, and it was difficult for me to adjust to her way of life, but then, because my dad wouldn't want me to leave grandma, he sent me back and told me that I would stay with grandma until I got married. Funny enough, that's exactly how it happened.

    My dad isn't the type that easily goes back to his word, so hearing that statement was enough for me to make up my mind to live with Grandma until I get married, and so my training with Grandma officially began when I returned from my father's house.

    I learned farming from her: mixed cropping, the best techniques to pluck some kinds of plants without overwhelming their growth, cultivation, weeding, etc., and all that it takes to have a good harvest. Today, I may not have a large farm to practice all that, but it has been reflecting on my little garden at home, which has greatly assisted me as an adult with my own family. You can find the details of my gardening in this post, courtesy of my grandmother.


    In terms of multitasking, it was one of the best things I learned from her as a child that has helped me greatly to date, and I cherish this a lot. My old self, who used to be lazy, suddenly became so hardworking and could multitask a lot. Grandma will open different tasks at a go, and you could see her attending to this and that with every speed in her trying to meet up with time. She trained me in that manner; I may put some food on fire and go for laundry, attending to both at the same time diligently. And one sensitive thing about her is asking you to list what you achieved in a day. This normally happens at night after dinner, kind of review how your day went to know if you were lazy or productive.

    Today, as an adult, you can't find any trace of laziness in me. Not anymore. I work hard each day, and multitasking became possible for me even as a mother. I guess this is why I could do my numerous chores at home, attend to my kids, and still show up on hive every day.

    In summary, hard work and multitasking are the treasures I learned as a child that have been useful to me as an adult in diverse ways.

    This post was inspired by the #inleo community and my entry to the #Aprilinleo monthly topic Day 16.Please check out the announcement post to get involved.

    Image two was generated by me on bing.com

    Thanks for reading ❤️❤️❤️

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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