The Importance of a Good Team

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Hi fellow Hiveians,

    Today I wanted to talk about how important it is to have a good team when you’re working!



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    The Importance of a Good Team

    I am lucky for sure in the work that I do. I know that! I hope that nothing gets screwed up and things go sideways for the company I work for - one of the things that we really have is a great team from the top down.


    I recently completed a project and we’ve been having a number of challenges associated with it and have been working around the clock to rectify the issues as much as possible. This is where having a good team definitely comes in handy!

    I’ve heard stories of companies who hang their employees out to dry and don’t support them in their times of need. We certainly have had some of those challenges but for the most part everyone is digging in and rolling up their sleeves to get things done and support the people who are down in the trenches day in and day out.


    I recently had been feeling under the weather and the leaders that I’ve been working with on getting things resolved and addressed were in there with me and got to work when I was feeling like shit. It’s not a huge thing but it shows compassion and respect for the people that work under you and with you on a daily basis.

    We are definitely looking forward to when we don’t have to be in this crisis mode, everyone does but the great thing is seeing how people respond by just rolling up their sleeves and getting to work instead of letting you flounder and fail.

    I’m not at a point where I want to take on a leadership role in the company but knowing that I could and work with such great people day in and day out is inspiring and helps you want to do better not only for yourselves but for the customers and people that you’re working with.


    My wife came from the old way of doing things - where everyone kept everything close to their chest and there was plenty of teams of 1 which is annoying. The mindset these days is certainly collaborative and that’s great! I love being able to work and share information and lessons learned with colleagues knowing that they are going to do the same for me. That type of culture is what gives a company a great reputation and that’s everything these days.

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