My Actifit Report Card: March 8 2024

in voilk •  4 months ago

    donation at the monastery, cycling and physical exercises, doing house chores,

    Dear friends,

    Yesterday afternoon, I went cycling to the playground at the other side of the town. I did physical exercises there for about 30 minutes before I returned.


    In the morning, because my mother had donated for Swan meal for the monks, we went to the monastery to offer Swan meals to the monks, who were sitting for their examination. We also donated some requisites for the monastery.




    Yesterday, there was no class but I prepared for the assignments by taking a casual look at the assignment topics and content. I have two assignments - one for my MBA class and the other for the Public Administration class. The topics I would be learning for MBA class was "Group and Intergroup Relations" and "Understanding and Managing Work Teams". Those are about building teamwork I think; I will start learning them today. The assignment I need to do for "Public Administration" class is about our country's premodern society, the arrival of modern state system, the emergence of modern identities, creation of Myanmar and how we want to see Myanmar after the revolution. The topics are really interesting and we need to support our claims with support from reference papers.

    Yesterday, during breaktimes, I did house chores - sweeping and mobbing kitchen floors because it easily got dirty every day. Today,

    9th March 2024

    This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

    Aerobics, Cycling, House Chores

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