You mean I can get more plants???

in voilk •  4 months ago


    With the increasing humidity in the house (and also our increasing interest in plants), we thought it would be best to have indoor plants to purify and dehumidify the air. We have thought of getting air purifiers before but it would cost so much since a small one can only cover one room. Apparently, some type of plants can do both and they are cheap now since there's no pandemic anymore and people's interest in plants have gone by (and this is why we don't follow trends!). And besides, having plants in the house look so much better and more homely.



    One of the plants that we got that can absorb humidity is the golden pothos. They're one of the plants that are hard to kill, thus perfect for us beginners. :D Also they're so pretty and can climb stuff if you want them to. Here I just hang the end of the vine on the wall and a week later it already stuck one of its roots there.


    This one is a giant golden pothos and I can see that it is a bit bigger than the rest of the pothos. I still need to transfer it to a more beautiful pot but just researching what soil is the best for it.


    Another one is an Njoy pothos and it's a bit smaller than the golden pothos.


    I hanged them on the staircase and they look happy there lol. What really surprised me is that I can see a new leaf in probably every 3 days. I know pothos are easy to grow but I didn't expect they would grow this fast!


    Also ever since I got these bad bois in the house, I have noticed the area became cooler. The air became easier to breathe in and my allergies got triggered less. So of course, I want more in the house... so how to do that? By propagating!


    I researched how to propagate them and there are two ways to do it - in water and to just plant the cuttings directly in the soil. I chose the former since this way I can see the roots grow and so I would know when to plant them in the soil and also apparently it is faster.

    I got myself a clear glass from Mr. DIY and they're so cheap lol.


    The propagation is soooo easy. Even a child can do this haha. All I needed to do was to cut leaves individually (or can also be in groups) but make sure the nodes are included otherwise it won't grow roots. They're the ones with the long-ass brown roots hanging out. Also as you can see this one has a new growth.


    This pothos looks like a neon pothos though but I'm not sure.. I didn't order a neon but I think they just accidentally planted it along with the golden pothos haha.


    And I just put them in the water. I'm using a distilled one since the tap water is heavily chlorinated.



    I got all the varieties propagated. Hopefully we can see nice growing roots after a month. Plus they also look so pretty even being in the water like that. :D I have to make sure to change the water every now and then though as mosquitos might lay eggs or something.

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