Hangout to The Large Aquarium, BXSea

in voilk •  4 months ago

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    Hi everyone...

    What are you guys doing in weekend? I and my besties have been visited an aquarium named BXSea yesterday. Last year I have experience to promoted this new Aquarium when Aquarium still undercontruction. Now, The Aquarium has been open for public, so I and my friend decided to visited again.

    BXsea is just about 30 minutes from our residents by KRL Commuter Line. It's just 2 station passed.

    For me, visiting an Aquarium was my first time experience. I have never been an aquarium before, so when I get this experience for free, I felt thrilled.

    BXSea was a large aquarium in Southern Asia. According to a source, this aquarium has total biota 25,057 and 150 species. They have large tunnel with beautiful species.

    Looks how beautiful the species there. It is obviously G.O.A.T. There are several types of aquatic animals that I could only see on the screen, but now I can enjoy them myself, such as stingrays, whales, seahorses, piranhas, and many more.

    Anyway, thanks to you who is scrolling down my post. Your action is precious for me. See you...

    All photos taken by Iphone 13

    Vivie Hardika

    Hi, Halo, Annyeong, welcome to my galaxy.

    I have so much imagination in my head. Something that I can't achieve as a human and as a girl. So writing is very challenging. Since Junior High School, I have written whatever I want to write. Without skill, I just write what I want to read. Now I have 12th published novels and all of them are romance.
    Yeah, I proudly say that I am a passionate author, traveler wannabe, and blogger.

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