Promise Made, Turbulence Faced

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Photo by George Pak

    "Are you okay?" I asked Jessica in our way home.

    "Mmmm" was all she could reply

    I've known Jessica for weeks now and I could tell something was wrong. I remember our first meeting on a a crisp sunny day at the school library . We were both students at our local secondary school, and I could tell right away that she was intelligent and driven.

    She always seemed to have her nose in a book, and her eyes sparkled with curiosity. She always studied like she was missing something. We would often run into each other in the library, and we struck up a friendship based on our mutual love of learning. Then I got to know she was lagging behind recently in her studies hence the reason for studying hard at the library.

    I struck a deal with her if we could study an hour more after school together. I knew she needed help and also I do need help. She was good at maths while I was good with the other subjects, maybe she could help me wymaths while I do with the others.

    It was going well until few weeks ago, Jessica's demeanour suddenly changed. She became withdrawn and quiet, and she didn't seem to have the same energy she once did. I couldn't figure out what was wrong, until one day Jessica and I were walking side by side home , our backpacks slung over our shoulders.

    I felt this strong urge to know why for the past week, my friend Jessica had been strangely distant, avoiding my calls and making excuses to cut their study sessions short.

    "Jess, are you alright?" I asked, breaking the silence that hung between them like a heavy cloud.

    " I'm fine." She replied again.

    "I don't think you're and I'm seriously worried about you," Tola replied, her voice tinged with concern. "You just made us cut our study session short again"

    She sighed, her shoulders slumping in defeat. "It's my stepfather. He won't let me study with you anymore."

    "Why? Did I do anything wrong?"

    Bisi shook her head, her gaze fixed on the ground. "He thinks we're… he thinks we're more than just friends."

    All I could do was burst into laughter. It happened spontaneously and I couldn't control it. I noticed the displeasure in Jessica's face and I quickly held my mouth together.

    "It's not funny" Jessica fumed

    "I'm sorry. I couldn't help it" I said crossing my arms over her shoulders. "Don't worry I'll do something about that." I could see the surprise on Jessica's face. I guess she wondered what I was going to do. But I only nodded, "I promise."

    The next day, I ended up outside Jessica's place, my heart thumping like a drum in my chest. I took a deep breath, mustering the courage to knock on the door, bracing myself for what might come next. I didn't know how I got the courage, but I was standing at Jessica's door even after Jessica told me about how her dad felt about me.

    Jessica's stepfather, a stern-looking man with a furrowed brow, answered the door, his eyes narrowing at the sight of me. That even increased my unease; I wasn't expecting to see him answer the door. I was expecting Jessica to at least tell her why I was there first before going ahead with my mission.

    "Marriott, right?" he asked.

    I nodded. "Good evening, sir."

    "What do you want?" he grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest.

    Summoning enough courage from God knows where, I squared my shoulders, meeting his gaze head-on at the same time, not trying to be rude. "I want to talk to you about Jessica, sir."

    The man's expression softened slightly, curiosity flickering in his eyes. "And what about her?"

    I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts, before launching into a plea. I explained how I and Jessica had been studying together every day after school, our only intention being to help each other succeed academically. I spoke of their friendship, forged through months of sincerity and innocence.

    At first, Jessica's stepfather remained sceptical, with his arms crossed tightly over his chest. But as I spoke, he seemed to soften, his rigid stance relaxing ever so slightly.

    After what felt like an eternity, he finally spoke. "I'll make you a deal. You have one term to prove to me that there's nothing going on between you and my daughter. If her grades improve, then you can continue studying together. But if they don't..."

    I nodded, determination burning brightly in my eyes. I didn't wait for him to finish. I jumped in. "Deal, sir."

    "I admire your bravery, boy," he said, sticking his hands in his pockets. "Remember, just study and nothing more.".

    As he made to close the door, I asked, "Can I see Jessica, sir, please?"

    "Go home, son. Before I change my mind."

    With the weight of my bargain on our shoulders, the next day, Jessica and I threw ourselves into our studies with renewed vigour. With just a few weeks until the end of the term, we raced against the storm and time, pouring over textbooks, determined to prove Jessica's stepfather wrong.

    Somehow, when the end of term finally arrived, our academic performance was better than last term. Although it was a lucky win, I was scared as I stood by my friend's side as we faced Jessica's stepfather once more.

    "I just escaped by the whiskers," he said, his voice gruff. "But I guess the deal was improved. So since there's a slight improvement, I'll let you guys study together." He paused "If I find out there's else going on, I'll deal with you guys."

    "Something like what, sir?"

    "You're smart. You know what I mean. "

    I smiled, shaking my head. I was grateful for the turbulence in our friendship; we survived together.

    Unfortunately, Jessica and I dated and broke up a year later, after our promise to her father to keep the friendship mutual. We just couldn't help it; spending time with each other constantly made us addicted to each other.

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