Brawl Results #31 - SoulReapers

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Time to track our Brawl Results! Ideally, we can use this to have a good track on our Brawl Journey and see what we can do to further improve ourselves, especially my own performance.

    Brawl Results

    Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 12.04.58 AM.png

    Placement: 6
    Points: 156
    Records: 52 - 20 - 0
    Merits: 1150
    SPS: 10.995

    Personal Records

    Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 12.05.23 AM.png

    Placement: 2
    Points: 21
    Records: 7-2-0

    If anyone is interested to join this lovely Guild, reach out to any of us here!

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