THE BEST OF THE WEEK (# 82): Apam, Chana dal, Mayonesa con aquafaba

in voilk •  4 months ago

    THE BEST.png

    Photo by Nadine Primeau in Unsplash

    Today we publish other edition of the special curatorship, which will complement the MEATLESS MONDAY; that we have called: THE BEST OF THE WEEK. Our intention with this post is to recognize the best of the best of the posts that you, friends of Hivers, share weekly in our Plant Power (Vegan) community, selecting the top three recipes from the previous week; which on this occasion corresponds to the period from Wednesday, March 20 to Tuesday, March 26, 2024.

    Each of the selected publications will be reviewed in this curatorship, and in turn, its author will be awarded 0.5 Hive, 50 @ecency points and 50 $foodie token, in order to give him/her a modest recognition for the excellence and quality of his/her work.


    Having said all of the above, let's see which recipes are THE BEST OF THE WEEK in this edition


    Fluffy Steamed Sweet Potato Cakes With Yeast (Apam Recipe) | by @anggreklestari

    The Muslim world is celebrating Ramadan, so fasting extends from sunrise to sunset, and there is nothing better to break the fast than a sweet dish, like the one shared with us by @anggreklestari in the community, a very popular and traditional Indonesian dessert known as Apam, a cake made with sweet potato, coconut milk and to which yeast is added, to obtain a better texture, so it is undoubtedly part of The Best of the Week!


    Chana dal ( split chickpeas recipe) || Good food good mood || 48 | by @mysteriousroad

    Indian cuisine has varied flavors that are very typical of this country, and these flavors are present in many of its dishes thanks to the use of spices and vegetables. And a dish with a strong Indian flavor was the one that @mysteriousroad shared with us. She introduced us to chana dal, which is made from chickpeas, a delicious and filling dish, ideal for lunch, which is why it is part of The Best of the Week!


    Mayonesa con aquafaba | | Esp-Eng | by @eugelys

    This week @eugelys shared with us a basic recipe for vegan cuisine: Mayonnaise made from aquafaba. In an interesting post, she explains to us how she obtained this delicious preparation, and also offers us useful tips to vary the consistency and flavor of the mayonnaise, which is why it is also part of The Best of the Week!


    Below is the transfer made to each wallet, as a modest community recognition, to the extraordinary work done by these content creators





    Delegations welcome!

    Find our community here | Curation Trail

    Posted using Ecency Coin

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