[Eng/Esp]Beautiful sunset//Hermoso atardecer

in voilk •  5 months ago


    Hello greetings friends of this prestigious group of gems, thank God for the days he gives us, today I'm going to talk about a beautiful sunset.

    Hola saludos amigos de este prestigioso grupo de gems, a Dios gracias por los dias que nos regala, hoy les voy hablar de un hermoso atardecer.


    This afternoon I went out with my daughter to visit her seamstress to pick up a gown that she had designed for her college internship, on the way to her house, we observed how beautiful it was hidden between the mountains, it was something unique that our eyes could visualize, then we stopped to take pictures of how beautiful the afternoon looked with that orange fireball, too bad that my phone did not capture very well what my eyes were looking at but it was a landscape to describe in a sunset, the sun hiding between clouds and mountains.

    Esta tarde sali con mi hija a visitar su costurera para retirar una bata que mando a diseñar para sus practica en la universidad, camino a casa de la sra, observamos lo hermoso que se ocultaba entre las montañas era algo unico que nuestros ojos visualizaban, luego nos paramos a capturar fotografias de lo hermoso que se veia la tarde con esa bola de fuego en color naranja,lastima que mi telefono no capturo muy bien lo que mis ojos miraban pero era un paisaje para describir en un atardecer, el sol ocultandose entre nubes y montañas.


    I hope it is of your interest and pleasure to continue sharing a little more with you, God bless you big, the pictures are captured with my samsung galaxy phone.

    Espero que sea de su interes y agrado para seguir compartiendo un poco mas con ustedes, Dios los bendiga en grande, las fotografias las capture con mi telefono galaxy samsung.

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