It's a pig's life | reewriters pic1000 - A picture says more then a thousand words

in voilk •  9 days ago

    Okay, so I totally missed the deadline, blame it on my vacation on the Azores. I wrote the below before I left but wanted to edit and file it a bit. Now I'm back home and haven't done anything to this and now I see that there's already two more pics in the community - baaaah! Oh well, I'll post this anyhow because... I wrote it.

    So, here goes nothing

    Hey, watcha lookin at? And why are you looking at me like that, huh?! Never seen a... Oh, nevermind, I guess I will have to forgive you, considering what we're about to - you know - do.



    Poor thing. Really too bad that so many of us are still eating meat, even though we could totally sustain ourselves through harvesting plants and their fruit.

    I know, I know, plants are alive too and some even say that they may be sentient beings as well... Fools, all of them! Everybody knows that grass doesn't care if it gets trampled on, mowed or barfed on, or if it gets eaten. Especially the latter because, well, you know, then - it's gone, right?

    How did we get to talk about grass? Oh, right - food. Then again, why am I talking to you at all. You can't even understand me. You only use your tiny brain to survive, scheme and fight and you can't even do that right, right?! Otherwise we wouldn't be here.

    WE CAUGHT YOU, hoooman! * slash * * splatter * * gurgle *

    I know, pretty gross but it's what came to my (sick) mind when I saw the cute pig looking at the cam. Bon appetit!

    Till next time!

    Have a great rest of your day!



    Unless otherwise noted, copyright for all photos, dividers, gifs and words ©Oceanbee|ImagesByCW

    99.9% of photos taken with my Fuji X-T5 and iPhone

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