Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Hello community friends !

    Greeting from @mrdani12 to all my beautiful friends , Hopefully you guys are doing well .

    Today i am going to take a participation in weekly social media challenge which is very interesting for me , i decide to take a participation and share it on social media which is twitter to make world inform about this interesting and mind blowing game , I am also beginner in this game but i love this game because this game provide and give my mind a sharp boost which is very good for me , this game is all about mind that how you can use your mind to select best card for your self to win the battle .


    Ruleset of the battle

    The rule set of the battle is very interesting , in this ruleset when a unit attack on another unit , in return the attacker get damage from the unit which have been target , This rule is very interesting from me , i was waiting from this amazing ruleset to play .


    Briar patch

    It is the ruleset of splinterland game , this rule set have very interesting ability , in this rule all the monster have thorns ability which make this ruleset interesting and more enjoyable .





    This i use the summoner which is new for me , i never use this summoner before and didn't make any post about this summoner , this summoner cost 5 mana having the ability of reflection , this summoner offer 2 ability but you have to select one , I select reflection ability to make my battle more interesting . I give reflection shield to 2 unit in the battle which is very good for those unit .





    In first line up I want to make a best strategy to win the battle , I use the monster which is one of the best shield in splinterland , this monster is use for missing shot of opponent team , but also my opponent use the same monster which make this game interesting , This monster cost 11 mana but i have no issue about mana , i have 99 mana , this monster have no attack but the main reason i chose this monster is 12 hp with 5 shield also this monster have flank ability .



    In second position I use the same ability monster which is use for protection the backend monster , the main reason i use these 2 card is useless the shots of opponent . this card 2 mana having 3 speed with 3 hp , also this card have the ability of return fire .



    In third position i use this monster which have 2 melee attack and 3 speed , I use this monster because this is the best monster with 9 hp , This powerful monster have 3 speed with 2 attack , The ability of thorn make this card interesting . Opponent need to attack on this unit with great number of attack .



    This monster have also very powerful ability which make this card attack from any position , this card have melee attack with 3 speed , this card cost 5 mana which is reasonable , sneak ability make this card the powerful card in splinterland , this card also have 5 hp , Monster target the last monster of the opponent line up which make this card my great card to use in the battle .



    I love this type of monster more in splinterland , i suggested splinterland to release this type of card , I use this card because this card have magic attacker , this card cost 10 mana having 2 magic attack which directly target the hp of opponent monsters , this monster have 3 speed with 8 hp and 2 shield . This monster have taunt and flying ability which make this monster perfect .



    The last monster the crazy monster i use in this battle , this monster have 3 range attack with 2 speed , this monster have strike ability which is about that that this monster never miss the target of opponent . 5 hp make this monster the powerful monster in splinter land game , i was very happy to chose this powerful monster in the battle .



    Battle time

    battle link






    All these images are taken from splinterland.com
    Join in the game Splinterlands through my referral link . linkhttps://splinterlands.com?ref=ACOLYTE_773337


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