They're NO Different

in voilk •  last month


    Judgemental or not, there are times it can’t be helped that they’re being mistreated. If not being obvious from their looks, maybe from their attitude on showing expressions. It’s true, no one wants to be born like that or like them. No one has to blame but it’s just too pitiful for these children to be special. Yes, they need special treatment and more patience in understanding them.


    In a society where bullying is like an illness that spreads. Even in a small community, there are children with special needs being treated not special but treated differently. They were being laughed at because the other children had no idea what these special children went through. What these ordinary children thought that these children need special needs are weird or maybe worst, (crazy.)


    From previous generations, these Children with special needs were not welcome in the society. They were treated like an outcast of the society like they are not part of the community. Well, a human’s nature is to treat other people badly if they think it’s different. However, now, it is different, these children are slowly being accepted in the society. We can see them everywhere achieving things like ordinary human beings. Although, what we need in the community is the people to change upon treating these children with special needs.


    I’m suggesting that all people should educate about these children with special needs. They need to learn how hard it is for the children themselves. Of course, much more to their parents who love them unconditionally. For sure, it breaks their hearts seeing their children treated poorly. On the other hand we cannot blame them totally since these ordinary people had no idea what the children with special needs are.


    I’m sure if they'll learn the hardships of a family having a child with special needs, they will understand. They will not pity them but love them instead. And accept them that even in a state like these, they are still human beings capable of being hurt. So love them like the others because they are no different from all of us.

    Thank you for reading

    All content is my own unless otherwise noted
    If images are being recycled, I just found it fit in my article.



    Paul was born in Macrohon, Southern Leyte but currently living in Cahayag, San Francisco Southern Leyte. He graduated the course of a BS Mar-E or Bachelor of Science in Marine Engineering in 2019. Although writing is his passion so instead of sailing he decided on writing.

    He writes occasionally about random stuff he would see in the outside world. He loves to express what he feels through writing because he's not good at speaking personally.

    He also writes fictional stories and emotions because he thinks life matters. He is hoping that his words could reach someone who might be feeling down.

    Join me and support me through my adventures not just to the world but also to the human minds not to hate being alive.

    You can find me here:

    discord - mrnightmare89#2161


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