War Games and Green Dreams

in voilk •  2 months ago


    The military wars and political conflicts that the world faces today have created an imbalance in humanitarian concepts and standards, and this is happening in several countries around the world. For example, the concept of genocide of civilians differs from one region to another (according to political needs), it’s obvious that “modern humanitarian standards” are limited to some people in the world and not to others, despite all the “concepts” of human rights resulting from the founding of the United Nations after World War II.

    Wars have always played the most important role in encouraging the emergence of modern weapons. We are now witnessing one experiment after another, and encouraging the arms industry is a direct cause of the outbreak of some modern wars.

    But the new phenomenon that mankind is experiencing in the twenty-first century is widespread media camouflage and quackery, to the point that we no longer distinguish the real war from the deceptive war. For example, when it was recently announced that hundreds of missiles and drones were launched, but they did not harm or hit the desired targets. It is possible that they were only to cover up... A military operation that we still do not know if was real or imaginary, and this act was also met with an ambiguous reaction as if we were facing a computer game military battle, the primary goal of which was to intimidate the masses with the military force of the opposing parties, to further achieve continuous expansionist gains.

    Extremist right-wing forces have begun to emerge again in many countries (especially Western). These groups seek to disrupt energy transition programs, exploiting populist policies, such as defending the country’s economic interest to confront the economic gains of foreign countries and then legislating boycott decisions against modern energy products, such as lithium batteries, rare metals, and solar panels, which will lead to further price increases and inflation in the economy in general, and the economics of the energy transition in particular. It is noteworthy that some countries, despite their different economic systems, have begun to adopt many of these inflationary policies, as if they are the policies that we must get used to from now on, especially in the cold war of the twenty-first century between the major countries.

    Naturally, changing the global energy system is a process that must be calculated in decades and generations of time, not in years. This is because high-interest rates and international disputes have weakened the outlook for energy transformation, as it is not an easy matter.

    Today, we see in many places interest rates rising, and Government debts are also very high, in addition to the different geopolitical differences that have increased greatly, therefore, the annual energy transformation expenses to achieve zero emissions will cost much more than before, in light of the current economic conditions.


    It is expected that the values and costs of investments for energy transformation on governments will increase so the pressures on them will increase, that is what led some to consider that this goal has become unachievable.

    It is certain that financing of oil and gas projects will continue, as there are many beneficiaries of this matter, and to several countries, stopping lending is considered a path to hell.

    Is the world going wrong in its way of energy transformation?

    *Image designed using Canva

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