TikTok Is Going Fairly Well

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Between YouTube and TikTok, the latter is doing the best.

    I have between 240 - 6,400 views each on the 17 videos I've uploaded so far, the only issue is I haven't received a hell of a lot of engagement. Likes, and a couple of comments here and there, but I'm not too fussed about that just now.

    I'm sitting at 140 followers currently, which isn't bad since I've only been posting for the last 10 days.

    I have 10 videos left to publish before this story is complete, and once it is I'm going to upload the entire thing uncut on YouTube.

    Maybe having some longform content going out up there will boost the amount of reach I get on that platform, or maybe it'll stay as is for now.

    I have the next story ready to go once this one ends, 1 story = about a month of uploads + the main uncut videos, so it's not too bad. Each month I buy of Eleven Labs basically gives me 3 months of content to post.

    I heard some good advice which I've taken onboard.

    Essentially the advice was to keep the videos going, don't get disheartened by the lack of engagement or the lack of followers and instead just keep on posting. Here's why.

    They said that TikTok works by categorizing content and then sharing it in those particular categories. My "niche" would be writing, so obviously the audience I'm looking for are readers/ sci-fi enthusiasts.

    To get in front of that audience TikTok has to know where to push the content, and the way it finds out is by basically averaging out what your particular content is, that way the algorithm can categorize each video as it releases and push it to the right people which should, in theory, result in more engagement.

    Here's a look at some analytics, and to be honest, it's not bad. Could be better, but whatever.

    Another thing I heard is to just keep getting content out there because when the right audience is consistently reached and people decide to check out the channel, it'll be better for them to see a good catalogue of content as opposed to following something that only has 5 vids.

    Views in general don't mean a whole lot on TikTok, 17k views means that 16.9k skimmed past it within 1-2 seconds, so that's not really something to be amazed about, but it's nice to see it's being pushed, even if it's landing in front of the wrong audience.

    My goal is followers, specifically 1,000, because at 1,000 you can go live with your channel.

    But, your an audiobook/ story channel. What can you do when you're live? Thanks for asking, I thought of that myself. Then, I decided what could be fun is doing live writing/ editing sessions.

    If people tune in, great, and if they don't, it doesn't really matter since I'll be doing that stuff anyway. Maybe it'll encourage me to write more, and maybe people would be interested in joining in and watching the process.

    Also, if people do join in I thought it would be fun to let people name characters, aliens, towns, districts, worlds, weapons, drugs, ships. Just about anything really, and in a way they'd feel more involved with the stories to come... Also, I hate naming people and things, so it would be a win win.

    I only need another 860 people to follow me and I can make that a reality. But, I'm not expecting it any time soon, it's been about 10 days to get to here, so I imagine it'll take 10-15 weeks before I reach it, and that's if we keep up the current momentum. If it slows down it could take many more months.

    I'm not holding my breath anyway, it's just something to look forward to.

    If anyone has a TikTok account feel free to follow me.

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