Scrolling Out of Control

in voilk •  last month

    “Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol, morphine or idealism.”

    ― Carl Gustav Jung


    Hello there, full-time weekenders!

    What are the most commons way of losing time on this era? For instance, it seems counterintuitive that we have a device that works as both tool and distraction. I'm talking about the black mirrors we carry with us almost at every minute of the day.

    Having a phone is a necessary evil. We need to stay in touch for work, personal life and there are certain things like apps that make life easier in some regard. But that's not where it stops. Social media has become a big part of it. Yeah, I bet people who were born before the advent of smartphones and even cellular phones have a great deal of resistance towards wasting time in social media platforms. However, those like myself who are born in the frontier of being digital natives are prone to falling into the spiral of addiction to these devices.

    Lately, I find myself scrolling aimlessly into stuff. It doesn't matter which social media I'm in. Reels, short videos and akin are taking a big chunk of my time and it is worrisome. It isn't stopping me from doing my daily tasks, but it is in the way of my free time. That time that I use to think, read, write and else. The time that my brain needs to stay flexible and keep giving me the outputs of information for being myself. I've been changing those hours for scrolling through some content that's not actually productive.

    The bad part of this is that I cannot set a limit amount of time of the platform. What happens when I need to use them for more than a restricted time? Then, it could spiral into a stronger addiction. I think this conundrum has a easy solution. Just need to find myself replacing the time scrolling with something that is actually useful.

    Otherwise, I'm going to lose myself into some very weird binge time that results in nothing. Well, maybe just dead neurons.

    As a silver lining, I can add the fact that I haven't gotten into Tik Tok. That must be the rock bottom of being addicted to short videos. And I bet people who spend time there have a much harder time putting their phones away. Algorithms working to get us a dose of dopamine and then holding people's consciousness hostage to their whims.

    We have entered the Brave New World Era. But instead of Soma, we have content in short video format to make us forget about our ailments and other problems.

    The horror. The horror.


    Maybe this cycle of addiction will be replaced by a time of workaholism. Who knows? I've been on both things and neither are good. At least the latter means you advance of tons of thing at the expense of your own health.

    • Photos 📷: taken by me (Redmi Note 13)
    • Editing 🎬: by me, made with Adobe Photoshop Lightroom.

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