in voilk •  2 months ago

    There are lots of health challenges that confronts human beings today. Life is not easy hence it requires deliberate attempt in ensuring that certain factors are put in place. Health can be seen as a state of well being or when there is no sickness or illness. The absence of disease is also called health. The body system needs a serious attention if not, it can easily break down.

    I saw a group of young people working assiduously without considering the status of their health. They exposed themselves to unnecessary dangers and the muscles of their body really changed. I noticed that most of them don't eat very well and almost take drugs without consulting a medical personnel. This affects them gradually and if not discovered they end up dieing. I would like to highlight some health problems caused by work.
    Some of these problems includes but not necessarily limited to;

    • Stress, anxiety or depression. The rate at which people die in my locality now is quite alarming because of uncontrollable emotions. Some go to work and never have a schedule for rest hmmm when you don't rest, it weakened some body tissues hence becomes difficult to manage at the end. Please find time to rest.
    • Another challenge I noticed is the issue of muscular disorder. Especially people that work in the stores, warehouses, or manual handling of equipment. The muscles is forced to act beyond capacity which causes lots of problems to people.
    • Another health issue that could be experienced from the work is respiratory diseases, suffocating because of the kind of gases being released to the atmosphere and the workers inhale it. It could easily damage the whole system.
    • The skin too could be corrupted. I visited a quarry site in my village and saw how the machines were exploring the resources. The dust and fine particles dropped on their body. One of the workers was affected by the sharp stones which cut him small by the eye region.
    • Cancer could easily be gotten from such areas. Hearing ability too could be affected as a result of such kind of work. The radiation emanating from the heavy duty machines could also cause deafness and ear impediment if caution not taken properly.

    We need to build a sustainable health and good environment where everyone could be free from diseases.

    Here are the reports of my cleaning activities for today being Thursday. It has been a wonderful day and I remain grateful to God for such opportunity. Happy viewing

    Thanks @solarisfuture @cleanplanet @cleanyourcity

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