Breaking Free From Screen Addiction, Possible Solutions

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Waking up in the morning, I know I'm supposed to say my morning prayers first but I instinctively reach out for my phone first, does that sound like someone here too? I bet it does to a lot of us, we can't blame ourselves too much for this screen addiction, as I can't find any other suitable word, let's admit we are addicted to our devices, for good reasons though, we live in an age where most of us earn a living online through the help of our devices, and it's not just about online jobs alone, because our offline jobs also require that online presence especially for businessmen and women, and whatever earns us a living to take care of ourselves and family is worth giving all attention to.

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    My morning starts with my phone, throughout the day, I'm also glued to the same phone especially when it's business or Hive moments, and at night my phone is often the last thing I look at before drifting off to dreamland, especially because I love to spend the late evening catching up on some movies, I would normally not have the time for during the day.

    As with most things in life when something becomes too much it starts to have a negative effect on us, for me, there was a time I started getting itching eyes as a result of prolonged screen time and my vision became blurry, it was a scary moment for me then, I was advised to reduce my screen time and also get a recommended glass which I yielded to, and in few weeks, I got relief, since then, I've been trying to regulate how much time I spend facing the screen, my children also help in distracting me from the screen moment and I think it's a helpful distraction.


    I watched a skit recently where all the members of a family were focused on their phones at all times except the mother, she was going through some health challenges then but they were not aware because they never had a chance for family time, she tried talking to her husband and children but still, there was no way she could get them to focus on her, she eventually gave up till her last breath, she collapsed and that was when they all dropped their phones, trying to rush her to the hospital but it was too late, only for them to notice a note she dropped two weeks back wishing at least one of them would pay attention to her, they regretted their addiction and wish they could turn back the hands of time.

    The intent of these technologies is good but we shouldn't make them bad for ourselves,

    To protect your eyes, consider reducing the brightness, you could also get recommended glasses to protect them fron the emitted light from the screen, and when having a discussion with someone, consider dropping your phone at that moment, it shows you respect and value who you are having a dialogue with.

    And finally, be intentional about taking a break, be the controller of your devices and don't let them control you.

    Thank you for reading.❤❤

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