Light Healer Fan art

in voilk •  5 months ago


    Hello Holozingers . How are you all ? I am quite well. I came with my new art. Today's art is more beautiful than previous art. And a bit different. Because I didn't add any background in my earlier art. So to give this art some variation I worked on the character of the art as well as its background. Just seeing the name, I hope you understand what this art of mine is about. It is a lighting healer art. Through my art I tried to represent the lighting healer sitting in the middle of a forest testing his lighting power. I have selected the colors of my art to match the color combination of the original lighting healer. I started this art with background and character together. Because if the two are not together, I will not be able to combine the two arts. But the pictures of the art process that I give here show the two arts in different ways. Because they are all grouped together. And there are many of them. So looking at each step separately will waste a lot of time. So I captured these arts from separate windows only.

    I have given several pictures of the process here. And to do this I used Illustrator software. Hope you like it.

    white helar 21-01.jpg

    white helar 23-01.jpg

    white helar 23fds-01.jpg

    white helar fasf-01.jpg


    white helar 2casdcsa-01.jpg

    lighting helarSASA-01.jpg

    lighting helarFSDAFSDA-01.jpg

    lighting helarDSAD-01.jpg

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