"Snowman" - Sia/Cover by @olgaestrella//Vibes Web3 Music Competition Week 26 [ESP-ENG]

in voilk •  12 days ago

    ¡Hola hermosa comunidad de Vibes! Espero que todos estén pasando unas felices fiestas. Estaba ansiosa por regresar por acá pero han sido días muy complicados para mi y mi familia en general. Ni siquiera sabía si podría subir el vídeo de esta semana, cada vez son más seguidas las contracciones y mi bebé puede nacer en cualquier momento.

    Hello beautiful Vibes community! I hope everyone is having a happy holiday. I was eager to return here but they have been very complicated days for me and my family in general. I didn't even know if I could upload this week's video, the contractions are becoming more frequent and my baby could be born at any moment.

    Imagen de WhatsApp 2024-12-25 a las 02.26.32_c351bf46.jpg

    Es por esto que el tiempo últimamente para nosotros es tan preciado pero no podemos dejar de hacer música para llenar nuestra alma. Me gustaría compartir con ustedes la alegría de que ya casi hemos terminado la habitación a la que nos mudaremos para recibir a nuestro bebé.

    This is why time is so precious to us lately but we can't stop making music to fill our soul. I would like to share with you the joy that we have almost finished the room we will move into to welcome our baby.

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    Gracias a @dayaperez y @villyceff que ayudaron a crear la habitación de su sobrino antes de marcharse al otro lado del planeta y dejarnos un vacío enorme. Estos ultimos dias sin ustedes han sido raros.

    Thanks to @dayaperez and @villyceff who helped create their nephew's room before they went to the other side of the planet and left us with a huge void. These last few days without you have been strange.

    Imagen de WhatsApp 2024-12-24 a las 12.31.41_8a67dae9.jpg

    Ayer subí mi video para esta semana 26, pero YouTube no me dejó mostrarlo debido a que usé una pista de piano tomada de este mismo sitio. Siempre hacemos la música de cada una de las canciones que presentamos en casa, pero esta vez no teníamos tiempo suficiente y dejar de regalarles mi interpretación para esta semana era impensable para mi. Es por esto que a última hora me vi obligada a descartar este vídeo al que tanto amor le pusimos y hacer otro no con la misma calidad ni tiempo del que les muestro en la foto de encima.

    Lamentablemente entre tantos contratiempos y que el internet en Cuba nos juega muy malas pasadas, llega tarde mi vídeo para esta semana 26 de Vibes, pero no tengo más que palabras de agradecimiento para esta bella comunidad que tantas alegrías me ha traído. Tenía que subir este vídeo aún sabiendo que no formaría parte de la competición. Esta es mi manera de desearles una feliz navidad a todos y agradecerles por dejarme ser parte de Vibes y haberme acogido con los brazos abiertos en la comunidad. Jamás imaginé que podría ganar tal competencia entre tantas personas talentosas que aquí se presentan de todo el mundo.

    Les ruego una disculpa a todos por la tardanza, a los jueces, a los concursantes, al publico en general. Este con toda certeza será mi último video para Vibes antes de convertirme en mamá. ¡Feliz Navidad a todos! ¡Que el amor y la alegría inunde cada rincón de sus hogares!

    Yesterday I uploaded my video for this week 26, but YouTube wouldn't let me show it because I used a piano track taken from this very site. We always make the music for each of the songs we present at home, but this time we didn't have enough time and not giving them my interpretation for this week was unthinkable for me. This is why at the last minute I was forced to discard this video that we put so much love into and make another one not with the same quality or time as the one I show you in the photo above.

    Unfortunately, among so many setbacks and the internet in Cuba playing very tricks on us, my video for this week 26 of Vibes is late, but I have nothing but words of gratitude for this beautiful community that has brought me so much joy. I had to upload this video even though I knew I wouldn't be part of the competition. This is my way of wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and thanking you for letting me be part of Vibes and welcoming me with open arms into the community. I never imagined that I could win such a competence among so many talented people who appear here from all over the world.

    I apologize to everyone for the delay, to the judges, to the contestants, to the public in general. This will most certainly be my last video for Vibes before becoming a mom. Merry Christmas everyone! May love and joy flood every corner of your homes!


    Lyric/ Snowman

    Don't cry, snowman, not in front of me
    Who will catch your tears if you can't catch me, darling?
    If you can't catch me, darling
    Don't cry, snowman, don't leave me this way
    A puddle of water can't hold me close, baby
    Can't hold me close, baby

    I want you to know that I'm never leaving
    'Cause I'm Mrs. Snow till death we'll be freezing
    Yeah, you are my home, my home for all seasons
    So come on, let's go

    Let's go below zero and hide from the Sun
    I love you forever where we'll have some fun
    Yes, let's hit the North Pole and live happily
    Please, don't cry, no tears now
    It's Christmas, baby

    My snowman and me
    My snowman and me

    Don't cry, snowman, don't you fear the Sun
    Who'll carry me without legs to run, honey?
    Without legs to run, honey
    Don't cry, snowman, don't you shed a tear
    Who'll hear my secrets if you don't have ears, baby
    If you don't have ears, baby

    I want you to know that I'm never leaving
    'Cause I'm Mrs. Snow till death will be freezing
    You are my home, my home for all seasons
    So come on, let's go

    Let's go below zero and hide from the Sun
    I love you forever where we'll have some fun
    Yes, let's hit the North Pole and live happily
    Please, don't cry, no tears now
    It's Christmas, baby

    My snowman and me
    My snowman and me

    PD: Snowman va dedicado a @javierduoiris, mi compañero de mil batallas y el angel que la vida me regaló para guiarme y cuidarme. Te amo bebé, prometo que nuestra próxima navidad junto a nuestro gordito será mucho mejor.

    PS: Snowman is dedicated to @javierduoiris, my companion in a thousand battles and the angel that life gave me to guide and take care of me. I love you baby, I promise that our next Christmas with our chubby will be much better.

    Mi video promocional en X/ My promotional video in X

    Canción Original/ Original Song

    Video: Camera Canon T7i
    Audio: CD58 797
    Edición de video: Premiere

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