Sunday With February Special Memes

in voilk •  5 months ago


    Image from Gencraft designed by Adobe Express

    Fabuary is romantic month for Couples. Singles can just feel the hot weather in this month.

    Hello Hive Learners Community! Welcome to my blog. The 2nd month of the new year has been started with another Edition of Creative Sunday. My mission to spread smile on sad faces is still smooth like previous month. Yes, I here to share my other edition of some creative memes. I tilted to this Sunday Meme edition as Sunday with February Special Memes. Thank you John Wack for presenting your greetings to Creative Sunday.

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    February Hot Perks in Memes World

    February is happy month for mingles. For singles like me, it is just another month and nothing. Hence, If someone will ask a question like Why February is so important? Then enjoy my expected answer in this meme.

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    Just Fire The Couples:

    I have promised to myself, I shall not give a chance to any couple for date. For this purpose, I have two guns loaded with bullets. I simply fired them on Valentine's Day.

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    Gifts Weather is Loading:

    Now the baby gifts trend is started everywhere in the world. Every mingle guy is getting different suggestions about Valentine's Day Gifts. As Pakistan is facing hyperinflation hence my friend will gift his look to his girlfriend only.

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    Fuel Prices Cancelled my Mission:

    In Pakistan, there is nothing stable even the prices for fuels are volatile more like BTC. In the morning, I woke up with a big blast of increase in Fuel prices. I 'm really sad now because government has forced me to cancel my mission for Valentine's Day.

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    Two Different Stories on Same Day:

    As fuel prices are increased hence I have decided to spend Valentine's Day with my laptop. It is the romantic day with elite class. You can imagine two different valentine day stories in this meme.

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    Threads >>>> Social Medias:

    I have planned to enjoy threads on Valentine's Day because a girlfriend will burn our money while threads will earn money for us. Hence let us make threads and make our day productive Instead of wasting it with money killer girlfriend.

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    Photography Practice:

    Valentine's Day is special for Couples. My friend who is engaged in love with a girl, has started practice by different poses for photography. It will be another way to impress babies, I 'm single so I can imagine.

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    A Flirty Friend and Heavenly Scenes:

    If your friend is not flirty Guy then you can't enjoy Valentine's Day with better fun. I have one good friend and neighbor who is perfect in flirting. I 'm hopeful, he and I shall not miss the Valentine's Day best Couple Scenes.

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    Gym is Power:

    For a big day, I 'm hopeful to impress someone. Although, my then body has lower probabilities but I shall do my best. There are few friends who knows about the magic I have made with Gym. Yes, I have strong biceps so winning rate for girl's heart is high.

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    This meme edition is my entry for current edition of Creative-Sunday. I hope, you laughed. Thanks!


    Made With Canva

    [All these memes are made by Meme application]

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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