Battle Mage Secrets: Fog of War - Your Back is Safe

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Hi all, hope all is well for you and it is time for another Battle Mage Secrets. Last week, we looked at the total card restriction rule set where we can only field 5 cards instead of 6, this week come back to something more familiar that we all been encountering for quite a while.

    Ruleset Spotlight


    Fog of War


    • All units lose the Sneak, Snipe, and Opportunity abilities.
    • Scattershot still works in this ruleset.

    What thrives with this ruleset?
    This ruleset is something that is very interesting because now you can hide all of your card that can shoot from range.

    Because now your cards cannot be cleared from the back, pick out because of low health or because it does not have melee attack, utility cards which are usually on the weaker side due to lower stats can now all be placed right at the back. The likes of Tank Heal and Repair can really help you bring more sustaining to the lineup.

    And because we can put all those slightly lower utility at the back, the key now is for one to put up a strong front tank which is able to hold up damage or have super high stats.

    To make use of this ruleset, Reach and Flank are both very good considerations as well. Imagine you have a big double hitter like Coastal Sentry, hide it behind a Uludin Overseer which has Flank, it hides behind Overseer and smash you hard from 2nd position which being protected. Oh yes and this makes Possibilus summoner crazy, because every card gets Reach, so as every card get ripped off, the next incoming card will have Reach as well.

    Stats wise, I would go for high for the front and ok for the back to be a little lower but must contain some sustainability abilities to ensure the front stay safe while the backline whacks hard.


    With these in mind, let's start to talk about the battle proper.

    The Battle


    Fog of War, Up to Eleven, Weak Magic
    Mana Limit: 52

    SplinterMana CostPositionReason
    Kelya Frendul4SummonerMy favourite summoner to give +1 speed and also +1 armour. Increase chances of attacking first.
    Venari Marksrat31stMartyr giver. This card needs to die and I planned for a double Martyr so that Oshannus gets buffed up big time.
    Djinn Oshannus82ndMy planned tank to hold the front line with the good stats and Void.
    Nerissa Tridawn93rdOne of my bigger stats and bigger hit magic attacker. Good and reliable.
    River Hellondale74thThe giver of double Martyr due to Resurrection which will definitely land of Marksrat.
    Axemaster75thDouble striker that loves to be in the backline and hits hard on opponent
    Swamp Spitter76thRuleset has soft magic, so instead of using heal, I chose to repair and this card hits equally well in damage.
    Total Mana:45

    Opponent Lineup

    • Summoner - Helios Matriach
    • Position 1 - Djinn Chwala
    • Position 2 - Ferexian Hero
    • Position 3 - Sorriel The Bale
    • Position 4 - Krash Wonderford
    • Position 5 - Berix Snakeye
    • Position 6 - Iidri Fyre

    Prediction before pressing rumble
    What a scary lineup to face, my opponent fielded a very scary lineup. Opponent's cards with the Berix will make their lineup crazy and really punish us with the creation of 2 more attackers because of Weapons Training. Ferexian at position 2 is going to hit us hard as well. Let's see how Oshannus can stand up to the text of all these crazy attack barrage that will slam on it.

    Let's battle!

    Battle Synopsis

    Round 1, Tonnes of attacks flying around and finally killed off Iidri whom triggered Redemption while on my end, Marksrat was killed twice and initiated 2x Martyr onto Oshannus.


    Round 2, The barrage continues from both side, magic and range alike, Oshannus survived while my side successfully clear Chwala.


    Round 3, Ferexian Hero smashed Oshannus and now Nerissa goes to pole position. My own barrage cleared of Ferexian Hero and Sorriel thanks to Nerissa and all the backline hitters. Final 2 cards remain on my opponent's lineup.


    Round 4-5, Krash Wonderford avoided a few of my attacks but fell within round 4 and in round 5, we cleared up Berix and secure the victory!

    Post Battle Summary
    It's interesting that I face a full team of rewards card but these are real strong rewards card and definitely my opponent is putting them into good use. All in all, still a very good win with Oshannus and Nerissa doing sufficiently in their role to hold up the front while the backline pushes through all the damage.

    Did my strategy work? I've planned for double martyr and 2 stronger stats card to be right at the front. I also prepared heavy damage in the backline and also Swamp Spitter with repair. All these worked in synergy and helped me win my battle. Oshannus with the high speed and Void was really significant to allow longer sustainability which is real good and extremely important.

    What's the Battle Mage Secret?

    The Battle Mage Secret for today is not to worry about your backline and slot in the hard hitters and ones with abilities at the back without worrying that they will be easily picked out like in normal rulesets. And with that, you can plant big tanks right at the front and ensure they stay alive which you continue to dish out your punishment from the backline and that's essentially how you can plan out your Fog of War match.

    Wrap Up
    I hope you guys enjoyed reading my sharing on the rule set Fog of War. I would really appreciate it if you liked and/or commented to let me know what are you thoughts.

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    Till my next battle sharing, take care, stay safe and happy battling!

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