Stunning Landscapes from theHunter: Call of the Wild

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hello and Welcome back to my blog!

    The latest weekly contest's theme, Stunning Landscapes by the Gaming Photography community is a great way for me to showcase the landscapes of theHunter: Call of the Wild. I will be featuring a lot of reserves/maps in this collection of shots. I love to take landscape pictures and one of the reason I play this game is because of its beautiful graphics and stunning landscapes.

    Medved-Taiga National Park

    I went to the frozen and harsh climate of Medved-Taiga. It was a beautiful morning and I picked up my ATV and drove to the top of the mountains. The following shots were from that journey!

    It was a warm and sunny morning which is not often the case here. This map gets so many snow storms and blizzards, especially in some parts of the reserve.

    The shot above is taken from the top of a Watch Tower which lets us survey the entire place and offers some amazing landscape views.

    Vurongha Savannah

    The next place I went to was Vurongha Savannah, one of my favourite hunting maps in the game. It offers some of the most unique variety of species and stunning views. The plains here are perfect for taking sunrise and sunset pictures.

    I took a lot of pictures from this reserve. Some of them feature my trusty companion, Sheru, as well.

    A big river makes the boundary of this reserve.

    This map doesn't receive much rainfall and is not as green as some of the other maps. But some areas have long grasses enough to hide the player even when they are standing.

    It also has some densely forested areas like the Bush Valley. You can see the green-dense valley in the following shot.

    But as I said most of the map is vast, open plains that provide a great hunting opportunity if you prefer long-range weapons.

    Silver Ridge Peaks

    I took a lot of time in Vurongha Savannah and it was time to change the scenery again. I went from one beautiful map to another. Silver Ridge Peaks is absolutely gorgeous, especially in the northern part of the map. But first, let me show you what some of the valleys look like.

    You can always bank on finding some wildlife near the big lake in the middle of the reserve.

    This lake has a small island in the middle but sadly there is no way to cross deep water in this game.

    The northern parts of the reserve are all mountains and we can go to the higher elevations.

    But the highest peaks you see in these reserves are all out of reach. These are the natural boundaries that this reserve has.

    Sometimes, it would seem like you are even above the clouds when you are this high. The snow-clad mountains in the distance are engulfed by thick clouds and fog almost every morning. Isn't that beautiful?

    New England Mountains

    There are some DLC maps that I don't own in the game but if someone hosts them in multiplayer we can also join and hunt together. One of these maps is New England mountains, one of the least popular maps, but offers stunning views.

    I couldn't stay longer on this map but the meadows in this map are absolutely stunning. Look at those flowers!

    This reserve has a very autumn feel to it. Look at the orangish leaves and the grasses.

    Emerald Coast, Australia

    The most popular reserve in the game is the Emerald Coast, Australia. This is the latest DLC reserve and offers a wide variety of native species of Australia along with its floral diversity.

    The small lakes and narrow river channels make it a great place for stealth and patient hunters.

    There are some big flat lands which cover the south and southeastern parts of the map.

    On the east, there is a big coastline filled with dangerous predators like Saltwater crocodiles and some cunning Red foxes. I caught a couple of them running towards me and then tried to run away.

    This is the most fun map to play on and is filled with so much wildlife. The plains are quite open and are a heaven for long-range hunters.

    Yukon Valley Reserve

    How can I leave Yukon Valley Reserve in this post? I go there quite often just to enjoy the stunning landscapes, especially the beautiful Crimson Valley. But the water bodies are equally mesmerising too. There are some big rivers and lakes on this map.

    The Crimson's plains are my favourite location from the entire game.

    It is not a small area too and sometimes it snows and the area gets covered in snow. It changes the looks of the Valley and makes it even more beautiful.

    Like every other map, it has some dense forests which are tougher hunting grounds for impatient hunters.

    One of the most iconic landmarks in this map is the railroad bridge over the river located in the central part of the reserve. The water is quite shallow, especially in some areas and you can cross the river even by walking.

    Cautro-Colinas Game Reserve

    Let's move on to a more cultivated reserve, the Cuatro-Colinas Reserve. Even though some other maps have farmlands and cultivated lands this is on a different scale.

    It has absolutely beautiful fields of sunflowers and lavenders.

    Which one do you like more? Sunflower or Lavender?

    There is still wilderness on this map but for me, it will always be beautiful just for these cultivated parts. I often come here to take landscape pictures in bright sunlight and they come out to be great.

    There are some hilly areas too where Iberian wolves hunt for their prey. This doesn't have large animals like Buffalos or Bisons to hunt. The largest here would be Red Deer.

    This map has a healthy population of the smaller Roe Deer. They mostly graze in the open fields and spend most of their time around these fields.

    I could show a lot more reserves but the post is getting way longer than I expected and there is no way I can cover all of the reserves. I spent a lot of time travelling and almost no time hunting during this session. I should get back and balance it out by hunting some animals. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed these virtual tours.

    Thanks for reading...

    Until next hunt...


    • All the content is mine unless otherwise stated.
    • Screenshots are from the game, theHunter: Call of the Wild.

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