blowing through the arcade

in voilk •  4 months ago


    April Fool’s Day, and I was had.

    Checking my work Discord channel this morning, I saw a message from a co-worker saying, Did you see the email from our manager? We’re finally going to get raises for each new contract we sign—an extra $50 a month.

    Fucker! was the only word that came to mind when I realized I had been taken for a sucker.

    Shortly after, my good three-piece suit on, I start changing my youngest son’s diapers and somehow end up with poop smeared down the leg of my trousers.

    Yes. April is off to a good start, and so is the new fiscal year in Japan.



    spring’s golden haze
    knocks at my door


    cool jazz
    blowing through the arcade
    a misty breeze


    touching my face
    handprints left behind
    on a mirror


    before the day blooms
    the first sip of coffee
    quiet and dark


    winter waves
    replaced by
    gentle murmurings


    all the buildings here
    monolithic and concrete
    named after flowers


    lying in the street
    a neighborhood stray
    flicks its tail and yawns


    As always, thank you for reading.

    All poems and images are original. If you have any comments, feedback, or suggestions, please feel free to share them.

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