Algunas Veces Trabajar De Noche No Es bueno

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Unforgettable Uayamon_ A Mexico Inspiration Shoot.jpeg


    Una vez por problemas personales decidí irme a vivir un tiempo con mis padres y como no sabia cuanto tiempo iba a estar por alla me conseguí un trabajo junto con unos familiares el cuál se trataba de cuidar una hacienda, esto solo de noche el horario era de 6pm a 6am por lo que me parecía un excelente trabajo. Al principio todo iba bien las noches era tranquila lo único que nos preocupaba era porque no se fueran a extraviar algún animal

    Once due to personal problems I decided to go live with my parents for a while and since I didn't know how long I was going to be there I got a job with some relatives which was to take care of a farm, this was only at night the schedule was from 6pm to 6am so it seemed to me an excellent job. At the beginning everything was going well, the nights were quiet, the only thing that worried us was that some animals would not get lost.

    Una noche todo cambio, esa guardia la hice junto a 3 tres compañeros más y lo bueno de vivir en un pueblo es que todos se conocen por lo que mis compañeros de trabajo eran personas conocidas y confiables. No sé si ustedes han sentido que las noches no son todas iguales algunas se pueden sentir como son frías y tenebrosas, así como si hubiera un ambiente extraño no sé si me explico?. Esa era unas de esas noches el ambiente estaba extraño y las horas pasaban lentas por lo que nos pusimos a contar historias y que casualidad que las historias eran de terror, ya casi eran las 12:00 am así que tocaba hacer un recorrido por lo que se fueron dos de mis compañeros y nos quedamos dos.

    One night everything changed, I was on duty with three other colleagues and the good thing about living in a town is that everyone knows each other so my coworkers were known and trusted people. I do not know if you have felt that the nights are not all the same, some can feel like they are cold and dark, as well as if there was a strange atmosphere, I do not know if I understand? That was one of those nights the atmosphere was strange and the hours passed slowly so we started to tell stories and what a coincidence that the stories were horror stories, it was almost 12:00 am so it was time to make a tour so two of my colleagues left and two of us stayed.

    Había pasado como una 20 minutos y le preguntamos a los chicos por radio como iban el recorrido uno de ellos estaba hablando con nosotros de lo mas tranquilo cuando de repente dice que escuchan a una mujer llorando por lo que iran a revisar para saber si era alguien que tuviera algún problema, le pedimos que cualquier cosa informaran para ir ayudarlos . De repente a lo lejos se empezaron a escuchar unos gritos de los muchachos era como si los estuvieran golpeando y los gritos eran de dolor por lo que corrimos ayudarlos nos tomo unos 20 minutos llegar a donde estaban ya que la hacienda es bastante grande cuando llegamos los chicos estaban casi inconscientes y solo pedían ayuda, yo no sabia que pasaba pero mi compañero que es bastante religioso me decía solo ora y no mires atrás.

    It had been about 20 minutes and we asked the guys on the radio how they were doing, one of them was talking to us calmly when suddenly he said he heard a woman crying so they were going to check to see if it was someone who had a problem, we asked him to report anything to go help them. Suddenly in the distance we began to hear some screams of the boys it was as if they were being beaten and the screams were of pain so we ran to help them it took us about 20 minutes to get to where they were since the hacienda is quite large when we arrived the boys were almost unconscious and only asked for help, I did not know what was happening but my partner who is quite religious told me just pray and do not look back.

    Como pudimos llevamos a los chicos a la cabaña donde mi amigo pedía ayuda por radio, mientras eso el me gritaba que no dejara de rezar cuando nos avisaron que la ayuda iba en camino pense que todo habia terminado pero me equivoqué mi amigo empezó a rezar junto conmigo y se empezaron a escuchar como si lanzaran fuertes piedras a la cabaña y el seguia diciendo no dejes de rezar, no se que pasaba pero mientras rezaba afuera se escuchaba una risa espeluznante y el golpe de lo que parecían piedras que lanzaban hacia las cabañas yo sentí que todo eso fue una eternidad, sin embargo la ayuda no tardó ni 20 minutos en llegar, se llevaron a los chicos que estaban golpeados y nos quedamos mi compañero y yo pasamos toda la noche en vela y al salir el sol lo primero que hicimos fue ir al lugar a donde se escuchaban que las piedras caian y no conseguimos nada revisamos diferentes lugares y todo estaba como si nada fuese pasado. Yo no quise indagar mucho solo les puedo decir que esa fue mi última noche de trabajo en ese lugar ya que después empezaron a salir muchas historias y preferí retirarme a tiempo.

    As we could we took the kids to the cabin where my friend was asking for help by radio, while he was shouting at me not to stop praying when they told us that help was on its way I thought it was all over but I was wrong my friend started praying together with me and they started to hear as if they were throwing heavy stones at the cabin and he kept saying don't stop praying, I don't know what was going on but while he was praying outside we could hear a creepy laughter and the sound of stones being thrown towards the cabins, I felt that all that was an eternity, however it didn't take 20 minutes for help to arrive, they took the guys who were beaten and my friend and I stayed up all night and when the sun came up the first thing we did was to go to the place where we heard the stones falling and we didn't get anything, we checked different places and everything was as if nothing had happened. I didn't want to investigate too much, I can only tell you that that was my last night of work in that place because after that many stories began to come out and I preferred to leave on time.

    Herramientas de Edición y Producción
    Editing and Production Tools
    Traductor: DeepL
    Dispositivos: Redmi8
    Devices: Redmi 8


    ˜”°•. ˜”°•
    •°”˜ .•°”˜

    "La vida es cuesta arriba; sin embargo, la vista es maravillosa"
    "Life is uphill, but the view is wonderful"
    (Miley Cyrus)
     ¡Gracias por leerme, nos vemos en una próxima Publicación! 
     Thanks for reading, see you in a future post!  

    @maykit55 (2).gif

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