On Hive, A Comment IS a Post (So Treat it like One)

in voilk •  5 months ago

    On Hive, one of the best ways to attract attention and grow an audience for your posts is to leave comments. This is advice that I was given back in 2017 when I was new on Steemit. Once I took that advice and began following it to the letter, I started seeing the first sustained growth on my account.

    Being new back then, there were times when my post might receive just a few or even ZERO comments or upvotes, but the comments I left on the posts of OTHERS, would receive more engagement and even UPVOTES, than my original post did!

    That's a helpful little factoid when you're new here on Hive.

    After awhile it dawned on me that a comment was in essence, a miniature post, and should be treated like such.

    So I began to apply the same care to my comments that I did to my posts. If you take a look at almost any comment I make that's longer than one paragraph, you'll see that I justify my text to mimic that clean look that I enjoy when crafting my articles.

    Formatting matters, and a clean, justified comment is much more readable than the ragged text found in most responses. I also spellcheck longer comments just the way I do with posts, and have been known to go back and correct a spelling error that initially eluded me.

    At times, you may even see THOUGHTFUL posts that you've left, receive MULTIPLE upvotes. I can still remember the time when one of my witty responses was voted up to over $1 (which was more than my post earned!). :)

    So take care to actually READ the entire article and leave a thoughtful response that ADDS TO the discussion. Maybe you can help illustrate a point that the original author was making by sharing a personal anecdote. Or you might share a relevant statistic about how many people have been impacted by a subject and why.

    Consider a comment almost as an extension of the authors post that adds insight or value. The writer will appreciate it, and you'll not only add value to his (or her) post, but you'll be getting the word out that you're a valuable member of the community on Hive. Do it.

    If you found that this post added value or inspired you, please share a comment, upvote, or reblog :)

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