"Local Environmental Problems" : More Trash at The Coastal Areas

in voilk •  last month


    Greetings everyone, this is my first time to join this exciting challenge here in the Community with the theme: "Local Environmental Problems" initiated by Sir @justinparke. Today, in related with the challenge theme, Allow me to share one of the most common problems here in the Province, and this is the improper solid waste segragation and throwing garbages anywhere. We all know that garbages and harmful chemicals that scattered everywhere can bring a bad results, and it can make our environment unhealthy and creates lots of damages. The improper solid wasted and throwing garbage anywhere is very harmful and dangerous not only for the Nature but also for us Humans and different animals lives in the Environment.

    I will not cited the exact place on which I've seen lots of trash and it is very surprising because this is the first time have this tons of trash in the coastal areas. The main reason why there are lots of trash here are brought by big waves and it came from far away coastal areas.


    There are few Questions about the possible results of throwing garbage anywhere;

    It could be Dangerous for everyone:

    Lots of trash just like this empty bottles is very dangerous specially when it brokes. There will be tendency that people especially the children will step on it creating wounds because of the sharp broken bottles. Bottles can easily broke when it is in the coastal areas, waves can make the bottles broke by hitting it in the big stones and thw broken glasses will scattered everywhere.


    It can damage and Destroyed Coastal Areas:

    This is very common answers about this scenarious, the coastal areas will be destroyed and damage because of the trash floating to the sea. Unpleasant smells and views will everywhere and it will not be perfect to go for a swim here in the Place. Those trash contains harmful chemicals can be destroyed the Marine life just like Fish, Crabs, Shrimps and even sea weeds. The marine animlas will be intoxicated brought by Chemicals lifting inside of the trash. Plastics is not easy to decompost and it releases lead and other harmful chemicals that can make the emvironment unclean.



    Might be Dangerous on Children's Health:

    It is very obvious about this kind of situations. Children's will be affected if the surroundings they lived is full of trash. We all know that children are always fun playing around partocularly in coastal areas just like this. Holding different kinds of trash is not really good and it contains lots of germs sticking on the things they holding. Aside of that, the air they breathed are nkw mixing with unpleasant odors and lots of harmful insects like flies flying around and landed on the food they will eat resulting stomachache and diarhhea.


    A Rules Helps to Stay the Areas clean:

    There are rules and regulations about avoiding throwing garbage anywhere. Local Government prohibits of throwing Garbage anywhere, a punishments or fine also implemented but my Question is this;

    Did this rules and regulations Followed?

    Based on my observation here in our Province, the Answer is No. Even if there are sign boards or any things were there is a message written about 'Don't Throw Garbage Anywhere' still there are lots of trash in the place and the most bitter of this is the trash was completely piled near those sign boards. This can be really sad about not following and respecting the rules and prohibits here.

    Cleaning and take caring of our environment is not too late, we can still perform the task and it is our obligations and duty to keep our surroundings clean. Thank you for visiting and reading my post, have a nice day everyone.

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