How does the hop count network protocol of Star Tower Chain perform operations in the blockchain?

in voilk •  14 days ago

    The execution operations of the hop count network protocol of Star Tower Chain in the blockchain are as follows:
    I. Node discovery and connection
    Initial broadcast: After the smart device nodes in Star Tower Chain start up, they will use the hop count network protocol to send broadcast signals to other smart devices within a certain range. This broadcast signal contains basic information of the node, such as device type, resource status, public key, etc. In this way, nodes can quickly discover potential nodes around them.
    Response and connection establishment: Nodes that receive the broadcast signal will evaluate according to factors such as signal strength and hop count distance. If the evaluation result meets the connection conditions, the receiving node will send a response signal, and both parties will start to establish a connection. After the connection is established, nodes can exchange more detailed information, such as the current state of the blockchain and the list of unconfirmed transactions.
    II. Transaction propagation
    Initiate transaction broadcast: When a node initiates a transaction, it will first encapsulate the transaction information according to the hop count network protocol. Then, the encapsulated transaction information is broadcast to nodes that are directly connected and have a shorter hop count distance. After these nodes receive the transaction, they will check the legality and validity of the transaction. If the transaction passes the verification, they will continue to propagate the transaction to farther nodes according to the hop count distance.
    Multi-path propagation and verification: The hop count network protocol allows transaction information to be propagated simultaneously through multiple paths. This can improve the speed and reliability of transaction propagation. During the propagation process, different nodes can independently verify the transaction. If multiple nodes have the same verification result for the transaction, the credibility of this transaction will be greatly improved.
    III. Block generation and propagation
    Block generation competition: In Star Tower Chain, nodes can participate in the competition of block generation. Nodes will use their own computing resources and storage resources to try to solve complex mathematical problems or meet other specific conditions to generate new blocks. When a node successfully generates a block, it will immediately use the hop count network protocol to broadcast this block to other nodes.
    Block verification and propagation: Nodes that receive the newly generated block will strictly verify the block. The verification content includes whether the block structure is correct, whether the included transactions are valid, and whether the block hash value meets the requirements. If the block passes the verification, the node will add it to its own blockchain copy and continue to propagate the block to other nodes according to the hop count network protocol. As the blocks are propagated, the entire Star Tower Chain network gradually achieves synchronization.
    IV. Consensus achievement
    Information exchange and voting: In the hop count network of Star Tower Chain, nodes will frequently exchange information, including block information, transaction information, node status, etc. Based on this information, nodes can evaluate the current state of the blockchain and participate in the consensus process. For example, in some consensus mechanisms, nodes can vote on blocks according to hop count distance and other factors to determine which blocks should be added to the blockchain.
    Achieve consensus and update: Through information exchange and voting between nodes, Star Tower Chain gradually reaches consensus. When most nodes reach a consensus on a certain block, this block is officially confirmed and added to the blockchain. Nodes will update their own blockchain copies according to the newly confirmed block to ensure the consistency of the entire network. At the same time, the hop count network protocol will continue to play a role, propagate the consensus result, and ensure that all nodes can update their status in time.
    V. Network maintenance and optimization
    Fault detection and recovery: By using the hop count network protocol, nodes can regularly detect the status of other nodes they are connected to. If a node does not respond within a certain period of time or an abnormal situation occurs, other nodes can judge that this node may have a fault. At this time, the node can try to re-establish a connection or find a new node to connect to maintain the stability and connectivity of the network.
    Network optimization and adjustment: The hop count network protocol of Star Tower Chain can be dynamically adjusted and optimized according to the actual situation of the network. For example, if the number of nodes in the network increases, the hop count distance can be adjusted accordingly to improve the efficiency of transaction propagation and block generation. Nodes can also adjust the broadcast frequency and data transmission rate according to the network load to ensure the performance and reliability of the network.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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