Adulthood: Feeling The Heat

in voilk •  4 months ago

    My little niece came up to me some time and was complaining bitterly how she doesn't like the way her mom forces her to take naps during the day and even ensuring she sticks to her bedtime at nights. She inquired if I have a bedtime rule and I confirmed negative. After the whole ranting session she goes like " I want to grow up fast and be like you so my mom will not keep bothering me about bedtime rules".

    Oh dear

    I can remember feeling exactly the same way when I was younger. I hated being forced to take naps when I was supposed to be playing or doing any other fun stuff. The idea of growing up be an adult used to get me so excited. Like her, I also wanted to enjoy a measure of freedom as one of the perks that come with adulthood. To be able to do things without having to seek permission from my parents or older people around me.


    The thing is, you can only dream about all you want to be and everything you want to experience until you get to that stage. And truthfully, sometimes it's not want we expect it to be. It's like waiting for package for so long and discovering that the important items you were really looking forward to are missing. You've excitedly messed up the wrappings and all that, so there's no sending it back or anything of such.

    When I was about to leave secondary school back then, my teachers will always come in class and say "now you're about to enter the world"

    They don't mean it literally, they're talking about the world of adulthood. The world of taking up responsibilities, the world of making life choices, the world of challenges and so much more. It can get overwhelming when we think of the many things we have to keep up with as adults. No matter how much we may think to have prepared for it...well, life doesn't always follow your rules, if it did, then all of us would've been living our perfect lives by now.

    Personally,one of the hardest part of adulting has to be the aspect of taking up responsibilities. That is one thing childhood didn't come with. My parents were the sure plug of everything. You're hungry, there's food in the kitchen. Your clothes are bad, they'll get a new one. You need this, you need that? Sure, they'll get it for you. Absolutely nothing to worry about as kids.

    Now the story changed. First off, I know there is no more relying on them for everything. I have to sort out my own bills and even contribute for bills around the home. And that is not easy to come by especially when you're living in an unfavourable economy, having to literally work twice as hard, in order to meet up your financial expectations. It makes me wonder sometimes how my parents were able to raise their 7 kids to grow in adults in spite of all the challenges because I'm barely keeping my head above the rising tides of adulthood.

    When it comes to making decisions, it's something you definitely have to do on your own. You're now a referee in your own court. It's quite a difficult aspect of adulting that I still haven't figured out. It wasn't hard knowing what to do as a child, it's either there are rules or you can just ask mom. Fast forward to now, when I ask mom, she says " I can only guide you but it's your life, you're the one to live it". The uncertainties of life also makes it harder to chose to walk through some life paths because, what if there is a downside?, will I be able to get back up?. On the other hand, making important decisions calls for accountability for whatever you chose to do. Nobody is going to make excuses for you, whatever you chose to do with your life is all on you.

    It gets a little bit consuming when I think of the whole concept of adulthood sometimes. However, this is the deadend, the point of no return. No matter how much I wish to have the life I had as a child back, it unrealistic and unattainable. I just hope to sail through the waters of adulthood with a positive outlook and who knows, things might actually work out for the best.
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