☃️ When you find yourself in the middle of the 2024 “WRC RALLY SWEDEN” 😳 during our ROADTRIP from UMEÅ to MJÖVATTNET ~ SWEDEN 🇸🇪

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Let’s continue with our ROADTRIP and see how we ENDED UP in the MIDDLE of the #CLASSIC CARS PART of the 2024 “ #WRC #RALLY SWEDEN ” 😳 It was awesome and unexpected 🤩 all those classic rally cars coming by.
    ☃️❄️ This part brings us today from UMEÅ to MJÖVATTNET both located in Västerbotten County in #Sweden 🇸🇪
    We go further and further NORTH. 😎 ☃️ ❄️ Are you joining me today on this exciting trip?

    This will be PART 10b from 11 (I had to devide part 10 as to much exciting things happened during this drive /road trip) what is part of our journey to our new home 🏡 and country 🗺️ earlier in 2024.
    Where we will be “driving” ourselves to our new COUNTRY 😊 of residence. We started driving in IRELAND 🇮🇪 , crossed many countries... FRANCE 🇫🇷 , BELGIUM 🇧🇪 , THE NETHERLANDS 🇳🇱 , GERMANY 🇩🇪 and SWEDEN 🇸🇪 … Stay tuned to find out where I ended up…

    With this road trip from UMEÅ TO MJÖVATTNET, SWEDEN 🇸🇪 I enter in this MONTH’S #WINTERCHALLENGE from @worldmappin. You can read all about it 👇🏻
    Are you joining us? Do try, it is FUN! : Winter is coming 🥶🥶🥶 - and with it the Worldmappin Winter Challenge 🥳🥳 So let’s join in, in the #WINTERCHALLENGE ☃️❄️

    Today’s photographic selection will be of 52 PHOTOGRAPHS
    Date : 16 FEBRUARY 2024
    The Photographs in this post are all taken with my iPhone by me and by hubby📱🤓 I was driving this second part (10b) of this day 🚘 so hubby tried to catch as much excitement as possible along the road haha 😜

    Screenshot from google maps of the second half of our route on this day! Umeå to Mjövattnet. We drove the longest route, inland - dark blue 💙
    We had stopped in UMEÅ for lunch as the day would be long. Today we drive further from our lunch stop in part 10b. It took us much much longer as you can imagine with the road conditions, then is shown in the route… ☃️❄️🌨️

    Are you ready?

    Here we gooooooo…. 😁
    We walk out of the shopping mall where we visited a restaurant. I capture this beautiful wall. So pretty with the blue and purples 💜💙🩷

    In the car we see the weather conditions… HEAVY SNOW along the road today. Luckily not too cold 🥶 We leave at 14:40h.

    Our route takes us through the centre of #Umea city, driving over the bridge we have this view to the left.

    View entering the city’s centre that is just over the bridge…

    Our view to the right. Moi… trying not to be in the photo from hubby haha 🫣

    We left the city and drive on the 364 road inland to avoid traffic and icy conditions on the main road 🛣️ along the coast.

    Our views are stunning. The snow around us is piled up even more than we have seen so far next to the roads. ☃️

    It looks like nobody is around… just us and… WINTER ❄️

    Suddenly without hubby noticing I see something. I ask him to take a photo, but he was too late and just caught a glimpse. Do you see what I saw?

    I saw a cool classic car driving by in the snow 🤩 it had all lettering all over the outside and windows. Hhhmmmm interesting 🤔

    We continue our route slow and steady 🙂

    But… What is that?
    Another classic car with lettering. Something is going on. I ask hubby to check Mr. Google as I can’t while driving…

    After he captured this photo. It is not clear to see but this car looked like being part of something too.

    Hubby found out the WRC RALLY SWEDEN is going on in the area we are driving.
    Check out the following websites for more information : WRC RALLY SWEDEN and Redbull FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP SWEDEN

    I found on the Internet more for you to check out from this rally.
    Like the following videos on YouTube (they are not mine, but from the organisers so all credit goes to them for the videos in this post)

    The final day of the rally 2024:

    THE CLASSIC CAR SET UP presented to you by Motorblog of Sweden
    Motorblog of Sweden video on YouTube

    The classic rally cars on the road 👇🏻

    If you look carefully at the above classic car rally video, you will see all the cars we drove by on the road. 🤩

    Do check the videos out. It is sooooo awesome to see the RALLY CARS IN SO MUCH SNOW ❄️ #CRAZY and awesome at the same time!

    Now we know we are so close and we will be driving along the same roads, we will PAY MORE ATTENTION 😎

    So when the next lights come our way… hubby takes as much photos as possible and I will show you the best captures after I edit them.

    This classic rally car is one of the better captures. You see its rally colours and lettering along the body.

    We drive further and pass by little hamlets. The scenery is stunning.
    I love it 🥰

    The little cabins and barns next to the road are almost swallowed up by the snow ❄️

    Hahaha look at this car, he has a SPARK on his roof. A sled 🛷 one can use to get out and about by standing behind it and move one foot 🦶🏻 to get forward. If you don’t know what it is have a read on Wikipedia here!

    Oh wait! More RALLY CARS… soooo awesome 🤩

    A closer by capture. A very old #Volvo.

    A bit later we have the road to ourselves again 😊 Can you imagine how excited I am while driving along the rally cars 😋 (and I can’t take photos hahaha)

    We see more, an awesome #OPEL


    Just look at the extra lamps on the front. So needed up in the northern territories when it gets dark early and wild animals cross the roads everywhere at any time.

    The oldest RALLY CAR we see coming by now. 🥰

    IMAGINE DRIVING THIS CLASSIC CAR IN THE SNOW ❄️ I would keep it safely in a garage during the winter. 😎

    It looks like we passed them all by. The roads are ours again. 😊

    Just us and nature and here and there a little cabin, house or farm.

    Or maybe not hahaha 🤣 a lost rally car this one is far… far behind.

    Yep, this was this time the last one. I promise 😂
    We go further and drive through some really small villages.

    For a map of the 2024 WRC RALLY have a look at the following screenshot from the Rally maps website source here!:

    We continue 🤓 vroom vroom…
    A welcome sign 🪧 that is hardly readable. No we are not at our Airbnb yet… a little bit further. We hope we arrive before the dark. As this day has been long… driving on the snow and ice is tiring.

    We see larger farms, even a few horses out in the fields. Ok ok… in the snow ❄️

    The trees 🌲 are all covered with snow, such a pretty sight.

    A larger village. It is hard to see the cross roads. 😎

    We take in the beautiful views around us.

    It is 16:08h here and the lights shine on the road now better as it gets darker.

    We know it is not long anymore now… and drive quickly further.

    A lake on the right, we see it is broken up in places. Let me tell you the view towards it was stunning 🤩

    Now it is darker we see a lot of the light decorations around at the houses, still from Christmas ✨🎄✨🎄 as it is so long dark in northern Sweden. People leave them up.

    Yes, finally we see the sign of the village we will be staying in. Mjövattnet.

    As we stop the car at 16:55h I take a capture of the km counter.

    Let’s look at how far we have driven in part 10b.
    The km meter says now : 130.096km, we stopped at 129.979km for lunch.

    What means we have driven about 117 km along the road 🚗 the second part of this day.
    Adding the last total we get : 4,136 km in 12 days of traveling 😉 WOW 😯

    Shall I show you around at the Airbnb now. It is self catered so we have a little kitchen for a couple of days.

    The master bedroom upstairs.

    Some cute decorations inside the cabin 🏡

    This accommodation you find at the following Google maps location!

    After we slept well I woke up to this view: 🥰

    A few captures out of the windows. What a beautiful location in the middle of this snowy scenery.

    More snow was added and it is almost untouched around the cabin.

    So beautiful and serene 😊

    Later in the morning I saw this snowmobile coming by. And capture it going…… fast 💨

    …along the snow ⛄️

    So cool 😎

    If you missed part 1, have a look here: The ferry crossing ⛴️🌊 part 1, Ireland 🇮🇪 to France 🇫🇷
    For part 2, have a look here: Mainland Europe ~ France 🇫🇷 part 2
    For part 3, have a look here: Part 3, France 🇫🇷 , Belgium 🇧🇪
    For part 4, look here: Part 4 ~ a bit further 🇳🇱 🇩🇪
    For part 5.1 take a look here: Part 5.1 we need to catch another FERRY ⛴️ 🗺️
    Part 5.2 you find here: Part 5.2 KIEL harbour ~ LET’S WALK AROUND THE FERRY ⛴️
    Part 5.3 you can read here: Part 5.3 IN THE MORNING ON THE SECOND FERRY ⛴️
    Part 6 you find here: Part 6 ~ What’s next, after we reached Göteborg Sweden 🇸🇪
    Part 7 you find here: Part 7 ~ SNOW and ICY LAKES ❄️, SUNSETS and SUNRISES 🌄
    Part 8 you find here: Part 8 ~ MORE SNOW and when do we arrive at our destination?
    Part 9 you can read here: Part 9 ~ MORE SNOW IN SWEDEN 🇸🇪☃️❄️
    Part 10a you find here: ☃️❄️ TREHÖRNINGSJÖ to UMEÅ Part 10a ~ HEROES of NORTHERN SWEDEN 🇸🇪☃️❄️ with 2 VIDEOS 🎥

    …and here I say that’s all for today’s post my friends.
    Join me next time for more #updates, #adventures, #stories and #photographs 😎👋🏻
    Even my own #artworks, once in a while, will come by” 🎨
    Thank you so much for looking, and reading.

    #ecency banner by @irisworld

    Any questions or comments, let me know. Always happy to help.

    Have a great day all 😎
    Grtz Jackie

    Unless stated otherwise: All art and photos used in my posts are taken, created and owned by me. If you wish to use any of my photographs, please contact me first. As I have used some commercially myself. We don’t want that you or somebody else gets into trouble 😉 So please don’t use them without my consent.

    🖼 My PRINTSHOP: for the purchase of all kind of PRINTS in many sizes from my Artworks 🎨 (PAINTINGS and DRAWINGS) and Photography 📸
    Have a look in My Prints Shop here!

    If you want to see where I traveled to and what I already shared in @worldmappin formerly known as @pinmapple , have a look at my personal map here:
    “LITTLEBEE4’s personal map on WORLDMAPPIN”

    Are you a photographer? Join us in the discord channel “PHOTOGRAPHERS OF HIVE”
    To support each other and give tips and help to improve your skills.

    Gif by @irisworld

    !worldmappin 64.52613 lat 20.96927 long ☃️ When you find yourself in the middle of the 2024 “WRC RALLY SWEDEN” 😳 during our ROADTRIP from UMEÅ to MJÖVATTNET ~ SWEDEN 🇸🇪 d3scr

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