The day she was brought in I couldn't believe it. He was such a black hairball that even taking pictures of him became very difficult (and still is today). My sister named her "Nala" after that character from the movie The Lion King, and it didn't take long for her to win all the affection of the family.
During this year I have seen her grow so much that now when she stands on two legs she reaches almost to my neck. But also, what I liked the most was to see how his personality has become. The little puppy that was initially quiet is now the most restless thing that exists in the home.
Every time I enter my home she is the first to receive me, sometimes she gets on top of me with so much emotion. It's quite a whirlwind. However, when I have been sick she stays by my side, lying down, watching over my well-being. This year your company has been a source of joy at every moment.
This post is AI-free.
All photos used are my property.
Versión en Español
El día en que la trajeron no me lo podía creer. Era una bola de pelos tan negraque incluso tomarle fotos se hacía muy díficil (y hoy en día todavía lo es). Mi hermana la nombró "Nala" como aquel personaje de la película El Rey León, y no tardó en ganarse todo el cariño de la familia.
Durante este año la he visto crecer tanto que ahora cuando se para en dos patas me alcanza casi al cuello. Pero además, lo que más me ha gustado ha sido ver cómo se ha tornado su personalidad. La pequeña cachorra que en un inicio era tranquila ahora es lo más inquieto que existe en el hogar.
Cada vez que entro a mi hogar es la primera en recibirme, a veces de tanta emoción se me sube encima. Es todo un torbellino. Sin embargo, cuando he estado enfermo ella se mantiene a mi lado, acostada, vigilando por mi bienestar. Este año su compañía ha sido una fuente de alegría en cada momento.
Este post es libre de IA.
Todas las fotos utilizadas son de mi propiedad.