Aviation Photography "United States Air Force Thunderbirds" #18

in voilk •  3 months ago

    "United States Air Force Thunderbirds"

    Shot by Shoemanchu

    Location: Naval Air Facility El Centro California

    Aircraft Model: F-16C and F-16D Fighting Falcons

    Date 2-24-24

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    Good evening Hive family and all the photographers lovers around the world, let's continue the shot's of the Air Force Thunderbirds I took down in El Centro California. I stopped editing the rest of the Thunderbird shots for now, so I have maybe two more posts left on these til I get back to editing them but I wanted to edit some other shots of birds etc, so it will be a bit on that. For now this post will focus on four shots of a very tight formation that they do in their run. Now lets get into the shots, for the cover the first one which technically is the last one in order of these four but to me it is the best one, the closest and the best blue sky for the scene. So that's why I had to choose this one but the other ones are not so bad either. The second shot below, I do like and I hope on the other session when I get back to editing these it has a better blue sky in the shot, not so much of a fan but to get them all close like this must be highlighted here on this post, so I shall show this one. This is the first shot of these four, that are in a row but the cover shot would be the last one in these four back to back to back.

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    In this next shot here the sky color gets better and you can still see how close these fighter jets are to each other, pretty dang impressive if you ask me. The skill, the practicing of these must be pretty hard and isn't for the weak for sure. If you ever watch videos on their training it is pretty demanding and pretty cool to watch. Actually fun fact too, when they made Top Gun part two, Maverick, the entire crew was made to go through all the training, just as the pilots are and they all were doing real scenes in that movie, well a real pilot was with them technically but they were there with them every step of the way.

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    Now for the last shot this one is pretty cool too and could've been the cover, but I always like the closer to jet shots to be honest. The cover shot now would be after this one in order, so there is that and I am glad you all stopped by, thank you and appreciate you all, hope you enjoyed the shots tonight. To you and yours have a blessed one.

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    Anyways appreciate everyone feedback hope you have enjoyed my shots and post today' thanks for stopping by, Have a blessed one and thank you for coming in and checking out my shot's of the day. Stay tuned and enjoy my future shots in the world of photography, thru my lens.

    These are all my photos of work, aka proof of work. This post represents name image and likeness. All copyrighted and cannot be reproduced without my consent.


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