FungiFriday: A unique design of fungi grown on our backyard

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Hello everyone, this is my first time writing on this unique and friendly community @FungiFriday initiated by @Ewkaw. Reading different blogs about this community made me search and look for different mushrooms and fungi sprouting everywhere.

    Last week, as I was walking along our backyard sweeping and picking up fallen leaves around, there was something that caught my attention. It's a beautiful fungus similar to an animal with large ears. Becoming intrigued with its color, I took a lot of pictures closer.

    This giant large ear fungi grows on the dead body of a jackfruit tree. It's not a usual size fungus, usually, we see a lot of ordinary sizes but this one is so big.

    With a closer look, I observed that it was almost dying because the color looked almost dark brown. But I don't know either what will be the color of a healthy fungus.

    Some areas are smaller in size and dying also. Maybe this fungi dies easily because it's already in the dry season and we do have little rainfall during the past few days.

    On the other hand, while fixing my flower pots for I so love to arrange my little garden when there are no classes, this tiny fungi was seen on one of the flower pots I had. It's smaller compared to the other one sprouting on the dead body of a plant. The fungi growing on the pots seems like it's being planted in the area but it's not. It will grow everywhere as long as it has a low temperature.

    It's quite difficult to look for fungus especially when it's dry season. Because of their delicate bodies, they die so easily. And it's lucky for me to see these beautiful fungus growing in our locality.

    Hurriedly walking to our home, I found this cute little fungus growing together with the green grasses on the little bush. Because of its tiny head, you cannot easily detect them if you do not closely look. It's awesome to see this cute little fungus around us.

    It's a wonderful fungi-searching, everyone! 😊

    Thank you for taking the time to read and upvote my blog my dear friends. See you around. Keep updated!

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